What does property cost where you live?

by ball. 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    It varies alot here in the UK. I live in Bristol, SW England where my 3 bed 1930's house - about 650 sq feet with a 90 foot garden and garage, is worth about £140k and I bought it for £90k 2 years ago. We live right beside the air field where concorde was built which isn't the nicest part of Bristol, new houses a mile away are worth about 20k more despite being a third of the size less with no garden. We looked at a new 2 bed apartment in a small town about 30 miles closer to London recently and it was priced at £145k with no garden at all and as Celtic said, houses in the more remote areas have gone through the roof. My family are from Cornwall and we couldn't afford to move back home now. The house prices are at least as high as where we live, if not higher in the nicer towns by the sea, but wages are half the rate they are in our city.

    We are planning to move to Australia soon, prices are similar to cheaper places in the USA, we found a 1000 sq ft house with 4 bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths for less than £70k in Perth in Western Australia where we want to live.

  • Amazing

    In the suburbs north and west of Chicago, typical 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 car garage in the 2,000 to 2,500 sq. ft. range costs about $250,000 to $300,000 ... depending on condition, location, and age.

    A typical 2 bedroom, 1 or 2 bath with a 1 or 2 car garage in the 1,200 to 1,500 sq. ft. range costs about $200,000 in decent locations, good conditioni, and not too old.

    When I moved from the SF Bay area in California, I sold my 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car garage, 1,600 sq.ft. home for $210,000 in 1992, and bought a 5 bedroom, 3 bath, on an acre with 42 trees, including cherry and apple trees, with a barn, etc. ... and a grand view of Mt. Hood, and located in the country with a great setting ... for a grand total of $85,000 ... north of Portland, Oregon. I sold that same house a few years later for $200,000.

    My former California house I sold for $200,000 is now worth about $380,000 to $400,000.

    My former Oregon house I sold for $200,000 is now worth about $280,000 to $300,000.

    one thing about real estate is that it rarely stalls or goes down in price ... the general trend in the US for the last 65 years has been up,up, up ... and in some areas, it sky rockets. No other investment has been so strong or stable as real estate.

    Jim Whitney

  • RubaDub

    It's all about Location ..Location.... Location

    My best friend in Ft. Lauderdale Florida just bought a decent 3 bedroom home with a 1 car garage on a very small lot (about 60' x 70') for about $200,000.

    The same in Miami (25 miles south) would be about $250,000. If you don't mind a 90 minute commute each way to work, you can get the same home for about $175,000.

    ***** Rub a Dub

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Here in Southwest Florida you can find a nice modern home, with enough land between you and the neighbor for about $80,000. However, the combination of high heat and humidity of the summer months is not for everybody.


  • sunshineToo

    50 year-old 3-bedroom 2-bath 1500 sft house with about 5000 sft yard costs about $500k in the San Francisco Bay Area, CA.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    We are currently shopping for a home in San Jose. It doesn't appear prices will drop anytime soon.

  • caligirl

    Average price for an average 2/3 bedroom home, less than 2500 sq feet is about $400-500k here in SoCal and climbing. Attached townhomes, 2-3 bedrooms and about 1500 sq ft are currently selling for $320-350k. A detached home of decent size (3000sq ft+) and new will set you back about $800k. Demand is greater than supply here, and sellers are capitalizing on that.

  • badwillie

    Philadelphia suburb (20 mins from downtown) -

    3 bed, 2.5 bath townhome w/ garage, about 1800 sq ft. - bought in 1999 for $133,000, refinanced this past July @ 4.75% fixed rate 15 year mortgage - appraised at $220,000.

    Single homes in my neighborhood sell for anywhere from $300,000 - $600,000+

    I feel really bad for people who are looking for their first home now in my area - the prices have skyrocketed. I feel lucky that we bought when we did.

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