Is worldwide peace possible?

by JH 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Carmel

    Personally I think world peace is not only possible but inevitable! The first step to making it a reality is the recognition by the majority of world leaders of the essential unity of mankind, that is, that we are all one humanity and that allowing certain ones to be held in subjugation because of color of skin, nationality or ethnic origin is dysfunctional and leads to instability and unacceptable suffering. 'When national boarders are recognized as artificial barriers between humans and only useful for the maintenance of order, we will begin the arduous steps toward elimination of humanities self distruction.


  • frenchbabyface

    Carmel : Ooohhhh you've got you a fan here ! (Me)

    Well said ... and sorry have to copy and past this : TEXTO ... can I ? This the best resume ever !

  • U.2.K. Tha Greate$t
    U.2.K. Tha Greate$t

    Hold up i seen many people kiss the pope's hand and yes ring and feet. And i only been around 22 years lol. They look at him like he is the man who heal people and etc.. And i talked with many people who are catholics and they told me That Mary is very important and they pray to her. Which i find real funny cause Jesus said you are only to worship GOD, not man, not woman, not pictures, not idols, nor Jesus himself, cause we all understand that The messiah is not GOD.

    Mary is not important, she is just like us. But she is not on a higher level then the rest of us. And i know for a fact that catholics look at mary on the same level as Jesus and GOD. But please tell me im wrong.

  • Yerusalyim

    Hey U.K. I've seen a lot of the kissing of the ring of the Pope...but never once his feet...find me a picture on the net.

    Look, I'm Catholic...I know what my church teaches...Mary is NOT put on the same level as Jesus. Mary is NOT worshipped.

    Sorry young need a new bible...Jesus is indeed God...and is to be worshipped.

  • shamus

    I think that world peace is possible if the United States blasts the F*** out of everyone that does not agree with them 100%!

    (sorry, Yerusalim)

    BTW, I am being sarcastic. Not on the sorry to Yerusalim part, though.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    John Paul is a senile old man. There is never going to be world peace regardless of what the dubs want. Ain't going to happen. The most you can hope for is to control the peace as well as possible.

  • little witch
    little witch

    I believe that religious education and REAL tolerance (god, I hate that word)....Religious equality would be better maybe...

    would bring world peace..

    Human struggle, genocide, and political domination is tied to religion, of that I am convinced.

    Banning religion will not work in the near future. But a temper of religion would make things better in the short term.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    You can't ban religion and you can't temper it. Try to change one religion and you'll have dozens of new fanatical splinter groups.

    Plus obviously it isn't just religion that's the problem. You will always have power grabs, land grabs, resource grabs.

    Another thing is the liberal/conservative slant on peace. One side all to often thinks the other side wants war. The truth is both sides want peace but disagree on how to achieve it. And they always will disagree which disrupts the peace even more.

    Can't happen, never will and your loving god has no plans to fix it either does it?

  • jwsons

    YES, As long as the "Peacekeeper" like USA no longer produce arms (do you think they will give their arms' firms worker be laid-off?)

    and all the big mouth "pacificists" like Watchtower Bible and Tract Society won't have shares in arms' companies


  • Yerusalyim


    OK, the US no longer produces arms...and the Watchtower and other pacificists are shut does that produce world still have the Osama Bin Ladins...the Stalins and Maos...if fact...if you had your wish...either Russia or Germany would control the western world...really.

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