Are humans pre-dispositioned to be attracted to the OPPOSITE sex???

by gumby 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • foreword

    LOL@xena, I can just see Adam at the local bar bitchin about how this other dude stole his she got half paradise and now he's stuck with the goats .....again.

  • stillajwexelder

    It is built in for survival -- I have seen what male dogs and bull will do to get to females -- and I have read history that men will kill and go to wa rfor females -- it is a total pre-dispostion to attraction and there is very little we can do about it. I really have tried hard and in the past prayed hard for help in not looking and other women and help in not finding them attractive -- I never could - I really am sorry -- I just think women are lovely -- I really, really love them. Has to be in-built with chemicals and pheremones and DNA and all that good stuff

  • Xena
    Has to be in-built with chemicals and pheremones and DNA and all that good stuff

    that or the devil makes you do it

  • peacefulpete

    DNA is not a behavior program as such. it directs the producing of complex physiologial organs. The mind is a composite of the workings of many such modules or organs (often called multibrain). The resulting behavior is not an outcome determined by any one module. For instance in a overly simplistic model of a male brain we say that one module produces the desire for sex. Another the desire for safety/self preservation. Another module forms bonding. Yet another for protecting/nurturing. Taking this model would you say the brain is programmed heterosexual or homosexual? Neither is it. However, given the interaction of genes that regulate hormones (like testosterone)we know that the majority of men have a more aggresive posture toward sex and less developed nuturing instincts. Therefore two men are unlikely to satisfy the needs created thru the interaction of these modules. In short our elevated testosterone levels typically make men unattractive to other men. They are rivals not objects of desire. Perhaps this is why society (men and women) has less issue with females acting sexually with each other than males do the same.

  • JH

    I think that anybody would be attracted to Xena

  • Nosferatu

    Here's an interesting piece I got from:

    I don't agree with all of what destini9 writes, but it's quite interesting...

    The human male and the human female are the bearers responsible for perpetuating the human species and thus have been 'programmed' to do this at proper intervals. Again, "auto-pilot" has equipped ALL breeding species to mate at specifically designated times so that there is consistency to perpetuation itself. The active, masculine force is programmed into one type of the species, and the receptive, feminine force is programmed into the (polar) opposite type of the species. Humans recognize these two types as being the Male and Female. Given the coding, we can understand the absolute base reason that females of any species are inherently "submissive" and why males of any species are inherently "dominant".

    This isn't a personality issue, it's fundamentally genetic. All breeding species follow his coding. The humans' genetic code has been set as such that submissive females are receptive to the dominant males for procreation, and vice versa. Humans are following this polarity down to their basic cell structure. None of this is Conscious choice. Males instinctively manifest their inherent dominant urges and females instinctively manifest their inherent submissive urges, and because of it, both are compelled to one another to create, sustain, perpetuate, and evolve Life. This is "why" they mate at all.

    This is the fundamental, baseline root polarity required for the creation of Life itself. Both are required. It cannot be changed. There cannot be one without its Counterpart. This is why two males or two females will never create Life. As it regards Evolution, homosexuals and lesbians are the absolute least evolved of the species and cannot possibly sustain nor perpetuate it. They can get married and adopt all the offspring they can manage, but unless a homosexual male and female hook up and copulate, they will negate the evolution and perpetuation of the species. Basically, the homosexuals and the lesbians, regardless of cultural notions of political correctness, are the polarity to the development of the species: they would malfunction Life, rather than create or evolve it. They may not like hearing it but it doesn't change anything.

    Their ideas of having been "born" homosexual are nonsense and impossible. They were not created this way, nor is there any "homosexual gene" that left them underdeveloped: i.e. "God" didn't fuck up their DNA. Their's was always a Conscious choice, whether they recognize it or not, and even within that Choice, they nevertheless reflect the requirement of a polarity balance. No matter the homosexual, one or both of them at any given time will nevertheless "act out" the role of their opposite gender. You will never see a pair of lesbians or homosexuals both adapting the role of one particular gender - always one will be the male and the other will be the female, leading some of us to wonder what then is the point, but their adaptations nonetheless adhere to this core polarity requirement. The Counterparts are required. Otherwise it does not exist. This code is programmed into all breeding species. ALL males were designed to produce the seed that will fertilize the egg found within ALL females designed to carry it. A homosexual male with a male, or lesbian female with a female, is there but by Conscious choice to negate and ignore their original, natural, biological function. Arguing the point is nothing more than ego rationale.
  • stillajwexelder

    Their ideas of having been "born" homosexual are nonsense and impossible. They were not created this way, nor is there any "homosexual gene" that left them underdeveloped:

    There is research that is ongoing that may suggest you are wrong on this

  • hillary_step


    Something else that I puzzles me is that in the few cases that have been researched where children were raised by animals ( Caspar Hauser for example ) the children copied the traits of the animals in their vicinty.

    My question is, do family pets become more human by their attachment to humans? I ask this because this morning while my cat was pouring my tea for me she spilt some on her tail and swore quite loudly. She must surely have learned those awfull words from somebody?

    Best regards - HS

  • SanFranciscoJim

    Not being terribly intelligent, I would think yes. It is necessary in order to perpetuate the species. If genetics determined same-sex attraction as being primary, the species (I would think) would die off rather quickly.

    Now the question becomes is same-sex attraction the result of mutations in the DNA strand over several hundred generations or is it a secondary perhaps even latent tendency?

    I have to respectfully disagree with the above statement. There are many men I know who self-identify as gay, yet have done their part to "perpetuate the species". I know one gay man who was married for many years and has nine sons and daughters.

    There are a lot of shades of gray in this discussion that need to be looked at in order to get an accurate answer. It is not true that gay people cannot have sex with a member of the opposite sex and produce children. Furthermore, homosexuality is not a relatively recent occurrance. Outwardly, the gay community has become more visible because of human rights being afforded us at unprecedented levels, but this by no means that gay people haven't always existed.

    If one believes the story of Adam and Eve, then the next logical step is to believe that the opposite sex was created for the perpetuation of the species. Does this mean that Adam or Eve were completely heterosexual? No. This simply means that there were no others of the same species from whom to choose for sex relation.

    Furthermore, if one believes the story of Adam and Eve, one needs to ask where "Mrs. Cain" and "Mrs. Abel" came from. Logically, they had to also be offspring of Adam and Eve. Utilizing the same logic as originally stated, this would also mean that humanity has a propensity for incest. This, of course, is not true.

  • alirobbi
    Their ideas of having been "born" homosexual are nonsense and impossible.

    I can assure the writer of this article that I have in fact Never been attractd to men in a sexual way. Even as a small child I had crushes on girls. I didn't know what to call it at the time but never the less it was there.

    No matter the homosexual, one or both of them at any given time will nevertheless "act out" the role of their opposite gender. You will never see a pair of lesbians or homosexuals both adapting the role of one particular gender - always one will be the male and the other will be the female, leading some of us to wonder what then is the point,

    This is probably the most ridiculous statement. I can also assure the author of this that neither my partner nor myself assume a male role in our relationship. Neither one of us look or act even remotely male. In fact if you didn't know us you would never guess that we are lesbian. We are not the exception to the rule either. I know many couples where both partners are just like us. Very very female and very very gay.

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