Naval piercings, marathons and chi

by Princess 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mulan

    Rachel, you probably know what I am about to say. "Why didn't I think of that?" I know about chi and the centers and all that stuff. Sorry, makes perfect sense, but I like your piercing too.

    It's a interesting concept, but not backed by science at all.

    Not everything has to be proved by science to be a fact. But, please, let us NOT get another thread on alternative medicine going here.

    When I first took yoga, (not the exercise classes, but the meditation kind) he talked to us about chi and meridians and how the main one is right at the navel.

    The lower dan tien (chi center) is usually accepted to be a place a couple of inches below the navel and inward toward the spine.
    That may be true for men, whose navels are above their waists. Women's navels are just below the waist.
  • wednesday

    I know nothing abut the navel ring thing, but if it helped, great. One thing i will comment on, i have always had migraine headaches. (which amazingly disappeared when i quit a stressful job-). One day i had a migraine. I was in the process of AM grooming, and sprayed some green apple body spary on myself. to my surprise-the headache diminshed. It did not totally go away, but it did diminish. I would not have believed this if i had not experienced it. So b/c of that, i do believe that some alternative medicine is benefical.

  • Surreptitious
    sprayed some green apple body spary on myself. to my surprise-the headache diminshed

    That's because green apple body spray combines with the fetoral magnetism that exudes from each and every one of our pores creating a forcefield-like aura around our entire person. This forcefield (also know as Grenaplesteenk's Aura) protects us from all hostile space elements which are the leading cause of migraines. The migraine is either diminished or eliminated depending on the viscosity of the green apple body spray and/or the size of the pores. This may not be effective on Irishmen.

  • drwtsn32
    Not everything has to be proved by science to be a fact.

    Hmm...I don't buy that statement. It is true that some things may not be understood by science to be considered real/factual. For example, gravity is still not completely understood (and may never be). But it is real. The difference is gravity can be tested and predicted.

    But, please, let us NOT get another thread on alternative medicine going here.

    I agree! Ultimately all that matters is that you feel better.

  • drwtsn32
    One day i had a migraine. I was in the process of AM grooming, and sprayed some green apple body spary on myself. to my surprise-the headache diminshed.

    I'm sure I am really irritating the believers, but I can't help but comment on this. It is a perfect example of a possible post hoc fallacy.

    This is why anecdotal evidence doesn't prove anything. There are simly too many variables that can affect a single experience like this. It needs to be validated by a controlled study.

    I think I'll shut up now before I make too many enemies.

  • Mulan
    I think I'll shut up now before I make too many enemies.

    Smart decision.

  • logansrun



  • Xena



  • wednesday

    well, doc, after that i used the green apple spray every time i got a migraine. And it worked. i do not believe it just an acident.I did not replace my migraine meds for the spray, but it was a nice adjunct to the meds. There is a whole thing called aromatherapy , previoulsy I would not have thought it viable, but i now think it can be helpful.

  • drwtsn32

    wednesday: You should buy a bunch of that apple spray, rebottle it, and sell it as a migraine fix. You could be rich!

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