Non-Believers come IN

by U.2.K. Tha Greate$t 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Heatmiser

    Although I don't agree with any of your views, I have to commend you on your vast improvement of communications skills.


  • seven006

    Come on you guys, give the kid a break. It's beginning to look like he may have not gone to the same schools we all did. If he didn't, a little understanding is in order (shut up Dave and listen to your own words). If you read all his posts, he might be doing the bests he can. That's what I am trying to figure out here.

    I like to jump on guys that come here with a universal message for earth shattering spiritual utopia as much as the next guy (it's kinda like a hobby) but I'm wondering if this guy may be playing on different field then the rest of us. If so, it will definitely effect how I respond to him. The doggy and kitty comment kind'a gave me a clue.

    If he responds back and clears a few things up, then I will adjust my sarcasm accordingly. I'm a bastard like my pal Gumby always says, but I'm not a cruel bastard. Being a bastard is an art and I'm just a bit too use to coloring out side the lines a bit.

    Either way I'm looking at this kid as a project. I just hit the render button on my next 3D illustration and it will take at least three days for it to finish rendering. I have three days to try and help this kid reach the maturity level of Minimus when he first came to the board. Electroshock Therapy worked for Min, it's always a fun option.


    PS: Chris, love child of Xena and You Know, now that was good. I told you to quit following me around the board. Your starting to sound like a smart ass. You're way too nice of a guy to slip into that kind of posting. Quit reading my posts, I'm telling you this for your own good. I am an evil person disguised in a nice guy costume. I secretly cuss in all my PM's.

    I was raised in a cult, it's not my fault.

  • seven006

    "(((The only thing i notice is that half the world believe that they are going to heaven and the other half believe we gonna be living in the new holy city which is on earth in paradise.))) "


    Just to help you out a little pal, only 5/6th of the world's population of six billion claim to believe in a god. Out of that about 70% believe they are going to some kind of heaven or Valhalla.

    About a billion of us just think religion is the biggest joke played on mankind and all we are going to do when we die is be a fond memory to those who we met along the way. Another billion or so think they are going to be reincarnated back to earth as some kind of farm animal.

    I'm hopping to come back as a rabbit myself. I like their ears.

    You have about a billion of us to help out here. I'd start with the Chinese, that's the biggest concentration of nonbelievers. Then you can convert the Russians and then you can help us out here on the good old exJW board. We have time, Armageddon isn't coming again until 1934. We lived through all the other Armageddons without a scratch. It's easy as pie.

    Read, read, read and read some more. When your not reading, watch either the discovery channel or the history channel. Then come back and teach us about what you have learned. That way we won't pick on you. I'm sure you're a nice guy but your facts are a bit screwed up.

    Just trying to help you out pal.


  • seven006


    You have a PM. I hope it doesn't upset you. I'm just trying to be your friend.


  • Xena


    You get a little tipsy at one apostatefest and bare you uummm soul (that was all I bared, wasn't it???) and the next thing you know all your secrets are exposed on the internet *sob* I guess everyone knows I'm not a real blonde too huh Big Tex????

    I was raised in a cult too, ergo it's not my fault either.

  • seven006


    How would someone know you are not a real blond if you showed your chest at an apostoph.......

    Never mind. I get it.

    Hey, the cult excuse is mine, it's copywrited. You owe me a buck.

    (no,, mods come in and change my "F" to a "B", it was always a "B")

    I know a few of you were thinking that. You people are sick.


    I can just see Craig spinning around in circles trying to figure out what to do. Ya just gott'a love that guys zeal for purity.

  • Xena


    I would love to give you a buck, you know I really would studmuffin! BUT unless your eyesight has completely gone (and I know that might be a possibility) you will notice that I made an ever so slight adjustment to your excuse, thereby circumventing your copyright. (this has been confired by my attorney "friend") I suggest you contact one of your sweater puppy friends and see if maybe they would be willing to give you a buck, since you seem so hard up for one



    PS Shouldn't you be off somewhere moderating???

    PPS If ona explodes I want half the credit for it!!!

  • seven006


    Sorry babe, they found noah's ark according to another thread. I'm a christain now. I don't buck unless we're married. I can't get married unless I'm drunk, blinded, out of my mind, and hypnotised. I'm on my third drink and I just read one of JCannons posts.

    Let me slip my glasses off and nfhewivn sauhj h isdg bestuh iu842537 rn 09-)(:" sb sih su s jsfj9gh9hjsf.

    I do.

    Be gentle, I'm old.

    Damn, Iv been deleting all those damn viagra e-mail spam things. I wonder if hot tomalley candies will do he same thing?


  • Xena


    Congrats on the conversion! However before you slipped the glasses off you should have read my entire post specifically to the point where I referenced you to the sweater pups for your buck. That said, I believe you just married mini and that legally binding do you suppose?

    Best wishes to the three of you!

    Xena of the always a bridesmaid class

  • seven006

    Come on Xena, you know those two are guys. At least I think they are.

    I have enough problem thininking I would ever gat married again, let alone a guy poster from this board.

    They aren't the kind of sweater puppies I have been referring to. I mean the're both boobs and all, and Iv had a good time......damn.......jesus woman, I'll never get that hard up.

    Xena, you know I love you and respect you and all that exJW family stuff, but come on. Id pick you over Min and Gumby any day when it came know...stuff. Then after that, Min and Gumby and I would go out for drinks and do that guy slapping each other on the back, good job pal, stuff.

    You know all us guys, we think with our drinks.

    You know how shallow I am, gimmy a break.

    Big hug woman, I love ya so stop picking on me!

    Go pick on Big Tex, he's the one who brought you up in this thread. He lives in Texas like you. I think you could kick his butt half way up to the pan handle before Nina knew he was gone.

    Now gimmy a hug and go to bed.


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