What Makes You Read & Post On This Site?

by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    Fun, information, people, and those ************************ questions!!!!

  • minimus

    I encouraged a poster by the name of Hochimin to post. This was before I had my computers. I'd go to his house often and covertly look at these sites. We used to look at Shaun's site as well as H2O and Watchtower Observer and Freeminds. The Observer probably had more at your fingertips information than anything I'd ever seen.

  • Sassy

    for the new comers I will reply again why I came here. I came because I had left the JW activities and appreciated an outlet to come to where people understood where I was coming from. I did not know how much more I would get from this place, i.e., real eye opening as to what the WTS is all about and how my choice was not only something I had to do, but something wise to do as well...

    I stay because I do enjoy being here. The only time I think about stopping is when people jump down someone's throat before they know what is going on. Sometimes we do have 'imposters' who are not 'real' who come here.. and so I understand suspicion. I have plenty of it myself. But what does upset me is when several come in and jump on someone and accusing them of not being real and later it is justitified they were wrong and they were real.. but few have the balls to come in here and be big about it and apologize when wrong.. moments like that make me wonder if it is worth it..

  • spiritwalker

    I look at the title, and how many responses are on the topic. I like the ones with only a couple of pages of responses, as they take less time to read and I can move on to another subject. Fluff questions are often easy waiste of time readings

  • Shakita

    I read more than post lately...there just doesn't seem to be the time. But, I love seeing the posts of those who I have come to enjoy reading....so many intelligent and well thought out posts... I do miss a few who have left...but that's life, huh?!

    And, Happy Holidays minimus to you and your family!

    Mrs. Shakita

  • minimus

    Sassy----How do you know if a poster has pm'd a person (or their spouse) with an apology. I checked with JT about whether his wife was posting and he said it was her, alright. I was wrong in thinking it could've been a scam. I apologized and will do so publicly, too.

  • Mysterious

    My father thought I had an account here since I already knew of most of the other "apostate" websites, which he realized in conversation with me. So then I had to register, ferret out his screename, impress him with the knowledge, and then post. And I've stayed here since because I like to be able to express my opinion on topics without having to give someone (JW) background information for them to understand what I say or having to change some of my words to make sense.

  • Sassy

    Thanks Minimus..I appreciate your reply. To be honest I really thought of leaving after that thread. You are right I didn't know that pms had gone back and forth. The thing is the accusations were public. And the public didn't know. I appreciate your honesty. And I do really appreciate having you on the board.. and I too do not like unreal people. believe me I have dealt with plenty in my life.. I do see that side of it too..

    the fact that we can work things out here helps me know this is a good place to be.. thanks for this thread.. I feel better.

  • minimus

    Sassy, I'm glad you didn't leave....Wouldn't want that on my conscience.

  • alias

    a connection to others with shared experiences.

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