What Makes You Read & Post On This Site?

by minimus 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • happy man
    happy man

    well, I dont remeber why I came here, was on unother bord, as was changed so i dont come inn more, and then I find this, I now before this that internet give a vocie to the woicless.

    You can find a lot of intresting information here,peopel who been in broklyn and can tell about exiting things.

    I think this site have give mee answer on a lot of things as I questning , and some intresting persons, like JT, minimus, blondie, hillary steep, amazing, and so on.I tell my freinds in the cong about what is goning onover ther, you can imagen the surprise when i told them about the sexual abous in the org, nobody belive it, but then it come even here on TV, and they say how do you now this,


  • minimus

    oh oh Gumby. You're more Dave's type than mine......By the way, I think the essayists should drop by and share their knowledge and experience more often. They are most appreciated.

  • Mulan
    I used to lurk on the old H2O site and when that dismantled, I got on to this place. I posted only after I felt somewhat safe.

    Me too, but I posted there also. I started posting, to feel okay about how I was thinking and to see if anyone else was like me. That was a revelation to see there were so many just like me.

    I kept posting because I knew a lot of the posters. Now I know a lot more of them, and I can keep up with them here.

    Lots of interesting stuff to learn and think about too.

  • gumby
    By the way, I think the essayists should drop by and share their knowledge and experience more often. They are most appreciated.

    I think we STILL have many good essay writers at present. I think the reasom many do not write more here, is because nearly every subject has been covered and is archived here. It doesn't always take a gifted writer to produce the results intended.....at least in my opinion. There is so much info. on the net that if one doesn't find answers here.......they can at least find it SOMEWHERE.... on the net, or in literature. I don't feel this board lacks anything here for producing results. People who come here can read PLENTY of enough material from other posters to see their way out of the borg....WITHOUT the old time essay writers. As I said....we have many here.


  • minimus

    I think that if certain "essayists" posted more often, they could help more new people to come out by their regular comments. I'm not suggesting to always write an essay but to express some of their most valuable opinions. People like Norm, Maximus and Farkel and AlanF come to mind. They were great! When they post some comments that are due to their research, it can only help people.

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    As a former Witness nobody understands your problems like another witness. Problem is if your are DF'd then who do you go to? If you are an active member who do you go to? At least here we are all able to connect and understand the pain, problems, and mistakes we have made as Jw;s and in life in general. This truly is a supportive group and if we couls meet in person weekly, throw some hypnontic light and sound machines and I would be there every week!

  • frenchbabyface

    Lots of reasons ... I land here because I was looking for information about the JW for my familly ... one link after the other (If I do remember from TJ-Recherches) ... then I found that this community was really living and talking about in fact everything and of course about JW issues with people with a JW background. Lots of information ... Lots of communication ... Lots of debates that makes me get the point and the temperature on some subjects ...

    And friendship ...

  • Momofmany
    Once again, there's a lot of new people on this board as well as us "oldsters". What was the ORIGINAL reason for you looking at this site and why did you make your first post? And why do you stay here?

    I was on another board with questions. Some of the posters there kept refering back to this site. To be honest, I thought I was the only one in the world with the questions and concerns I had. Before I even posted or read any board, I would take questions to family and others and I was asked if I was talking to apostates. They all knew I worked on the computer, and told me to limit my time on the puter. I was being led astray. Thing was, I hadn't talked or looked for info on the net before they said anything. So then I started looking, and you all have been very helpful. This is a new journey for me. I have been questioning for a few months, but been around the witnesses since I was 14 yo. But so quickly things seem brighter. I was suffering from sever headaches looking for the truth in the books on my self. I made my first post becaue I had questions. I stay, because I find this place a very informative place, and I have enjoyed reading many of the posted. (Yes long winded aren't I?)

  • wannaexit

    After I read Ray Franz's book and truly understood what quagmire my life had been in, I needed a place like this to sort myself out.

    I don't always have anything intelligent to contribute and so I read more than I post. I have learned so much from so many posters here.

    I always enjoy your questions min.


  • minimus

    Momo----See----Questions are a good thing!.......Signed Minimus

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