Find the error (quiz)

by Schizm 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Celia

    There was a terrific program on PBS a few days ago about the exact same subject : the Magis and the star. Where these wise men came from, who they were (astronomers, prophets, educated), why they went to Israel to find the new king of the Jews (the position of the star told them that it would happen). The Magis passed through Jerusalem and asked people there if they knew where they could find this newborn king. Herod didn't like the idea of a competitor and asked the Magis to tell him where this child was on their way back. Obviously, they were warned in a dream of the real intentions of Herod and just disappeared. Jesus may have been already 2 years old when the Magis found him. So, yes, it is wrong to say that these wise men brought gifts to Jesus the night of his birth.

    I think I know where Schizm is getting at.... the WTSociety teaches that the star has been sent by Satan so Jesus would be killed, and that's the stupidest story I've ever heard.

  • Sunnygal41

    I didn't see the program, but I've read about the Magis and astrology alot..........glad to hear that they had a good show on many people knock astrology without researching it first. If you wanna still knock it after you've researched it, go on ahead, but, give it a chance to stand on its own scientific merits. What if we all kept the same mindset about airflight, or going to the moon being an impossibility.............well, sorry, sorta took off on a rant there............ Bottom line, keep an open mind those of you who have negative things to say about astrology. (not intending the present company)


  • Schizm

    Celia said:

    ... that the star has been sent by Satan so Jesus would be killed, and that's the stupidest story I've ever heard.



  • Celia

    Schizm : Why ? the JW leadership over the decades have tried real hard to look different from other Christian denominations. Why would anyone join the JW sect if it was spewing the same stuff as everybody else? When Rutherford decided that Christmas celebration was not for "true" Christians, he had to find reasons why it was the case. So, suddenly, it was a feast of pagan origin (which is true, in a sense, but nowadays we do not celebrate the return of the sun, but the birth of Christ). The story of the star being sent by Satan is just another of the JW leadership invention to support their no Christmas celebration rule.

    I have a real bad cold, my head hurts, be back later.

  • Yerusalyim

    Yeppers, Lady Lee got it correct.

    The issue of Jesus not being born in a house is unprovable. The greek word used in the NT for saying there was "No Room In The Inn" is the same greek word used for Upper Room to describe where the Last Supper took place.

    That is to say...the word means any number of spaces. Guests would have been put up in the Upper Room of a house if it had one as a guest room. Many houses in the meditereanian were set up so that the cattle could be brought into the house at night...and there would be a manger for feeding them set up on the first floor (which was raised by about 3 feet or so from where the cattle were). In this way their body heat could be used for warmth. My grandfather was born in just such a house in Italy...and examples of the same exist in Israel. This makes more sense in's unconscionable...given the culture...that an Israelite would turn away another Israelite...the way I see it...there was no more space in the upper Jesus was born in the common living area of the house Joseph approached (a relative?). Further support for this is found in the fact that the Magi found Jesus in a house...not a barn.

    The History Channel did a program on Christmas Eve that suggests the Star of Bethlehem was actually Jupiter...rising on the Cusp of the the constellation of Aries...this would have occurred on 11 April in 6 BC...which fits in perfectly with the time of year the Cattle would have been kept out of doors at night (for birthing)...and fits in with Jesus being born in the time of Herod...who died in 4 BC. Aries...the Ram was the constellation that signified Israel. Jupiter was the "King of Stars" Jupiter rising in the constellation of Aries directly under the moon would have signified a new king being born in Israel to the star gazers. This also explains why no one else seemed to take notice (Herod had to ask when the star it wasn't some stellar event that would have caused people to notice it).

  • Schizm


    You originally said:

    ... that the star has been sent by Satan so Jesus would be killed, and that's the stupidest story I've ever heard.

    And so I asked:


    The reason you've given is:

    The story of the star being sent by Satan is just another of the JW leadership invention to support their no Christmas celebration rule.

    My question still remains unanswered: Why do you think the idea of Satan having caused the star, in order to kill Jesus, is so "stupid".


  • Gozz


    good post!

  • Schizm
    Herod didn't like the idea of a competitor and asked the Magis to tell him where this child was on their way back.~Celia

    Hmmm. Do you think that Satan might have known beforehand that this would be Herod's reaction, and thus the reason for the "star" to begin with? I think it needs to be remembered that Jesus' success spelled out Satan's defeat and everlasting death, whereas had Jesus been defeated it would have saved Satan. Yes, Satan's very life hang in the balance. It's now only a matter of time for Satan before he comes to his end forever.


  • simplesally

    I just saw this thread......

    And my answer about why it would not be Satan who could have controlled that star would be that he was given the EARTH. Satan, according to the Bible, was the covering cherub over the earth.........he was not given control of the other planets. Granted, Satan had not been casted down to earth and could roam. But nowhere in the Bible does it say that he was granted contorl over any other planet or system of things.

  • Left_Field

    The bible doesn't state how many "wise men" or "magi" ACTUALLY visited Jesus. The number is calculated by the number of gifts given. Another assumption made popular.

    It also doesn't say how many of these wise men visited Herod on their way to Bethlehem.


    Was I too late? Did someone win the prize already??? *grin*

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