Differences between UK and US Corona Virus TV Updates

by ThomasCovenant 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • caves
    Cofty-Stop being so bloody hysterical.

    That is the difference, in my opinion. The level of hysteria.

    US Headline - Boris Johnson on his last breath is rushed to an IC unit fighting for his life while Trump aims to send all American stock piles of PPE to Britain to help the Prime Minister, leaving Americans to fend for themselves.

    UK Headline- Boris Johnson has been admitted to the IC unit 7 days after testing positive for coronavirus. US President Trump offers help if needed.

    That is how I see the difference.

    Sure there are sensational headlines in the UK but nowhere near like the US.

  • LV101

    Well said, LHG and JeffT - sad. I can't believe the liberal mob media. No wonder the WHO has been able to act in criminal ways with China. So many liberal mob politicians have serious money invested in China and businesses.

  • LV101

    Infected people won't necessarily be immune in the future since there's more than one type of COVID 19 virus floating around. Apparently they now think the west coast infection (from Wuhan) is different from the east coast - (from Europeon visitors).

    For sure there's been tourists from Europe and Wuhan in NY, California, LV and every other tourist or cosmopolitan city and hopefully it's not more complicated and one vaccine will cover the killer mess. I feel sorry for the Chinese people being stuck in their country but this is over the top.

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