Predictions And Wishes For The Watchtower Society In 2004

by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • core
    If the UN debacle didn't bring them down-----isolated child abuse issues certainly won't.

    dead right - most JWs only believe what comes from the platform anyway

    Predictions for 2004 - Anointed 144,000 not yet filled - some more coming in - this allows for top-up of the GB

    This Generation - becomes any generation that reads the verses allowing for system never to come to an end

    Preaching Work - attacking apostates and hounding them out is allowed as reportable time - hours go up by 100s of %

    Child Abuse issues - all a media and apostate lie - none in the spiritual paradise (well they almost think that now anyway!)

    Assemblies - attendance via radio/tv link allowed and "count" is taken of those who do not attend and assumes they watched at home - therefore attendance figures soar

    Running Man attends assembly and writes report for JWD - wins Pulitzer Prize for literature

    Minimus runs out of What/Who/When/Why/Where Questions and gets job in writing department at Brooklyn writing QFR for WT

    WT launches own discussion forum on internet - those loyal ones signing in and asking questions etc receive "encouraging" visits as the Org works to maintain clean standing - thousands DFd (personally wonder why they have never done that anyway)

    Holy Spirit redefined to include all the GB members as elements of it hence any dissent is sinning against the Spirit.

  • minimus

    CORE-----I am the head writer in the Writing Department. If you don't believe me check with BIG TEX. Just to prove it, watch for the March 1, 2004 QFR entitled, "Why Do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe That Accepting Blood Transfusions Is Up To A Christian's Conscience"?

  • toreador

    I would like to see the WTS become more open and honest about their past and present. Hey... A guy can always hope, can't they?

  • imallgrowedup

    Min -

    I don't think child-abuse issues will rock the Tower... If the UN debacle didn't bring them down-----isolated child abuse issues certainly won't.

    Ok, I'll agree with you in part. History dictates that the average JW will eat whatever explanations the GB gives them. However, there are not just a few isolated child abuse cases pending. I am in the process of trying to find out the exact number, but I am willing to bet there are hundreds, if not thousands. For each case the WT loses (especially in the US where monetary damages are routinely awarded into the millions of dollars), the WT is going to need to find the money to pay up. Once their legal financial obligations reach a certain point, they are going to have to start selling off real estate. If they are lucky and are able to stretch these cases out on appeals, they may be able to get completely moved up to Patterson and sell off the Brooklyn properties to pay the piper. However, if they can't, they are going to need to start selling other real estate - aka: Kingdom Halls. The minute Kingdom Halls start being sold to pay legal debts, the child abuse issues become more personal - especially to the congregations that thought the WT did NOT own their building! Additionally, silentlambs victims can (and in my opinion, SHOULD) sue the elders of incorporated congregations. When congregations catch wind that their own BOE are being sued, there are going to be a lot of questions that won't be answered as easily as if it were happening halfway across the country.

    That said, I will say that perhaps 2004 is not the year of doom and gloom for the WT, but I honestly believe they are going to meet their demise real soon!


  • Jerry Bergman
    Jerry Bergman

    CORE-----I am the head writer in the Writing Department. If you don't believe me check with BIG TEX. Just to prove it, watch for the March 1, 2004 QFR entitled, "Why Do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe That Accepting Blood Transfusions Is Up To A Christian's Conscience"? I look forward very much to this article! If not in March, I am sure it will be sometime in the future. Also, the correct word is not entitled but titled! A big difference.

  • NewYork44M

    Three of the governing body will die in 2004.

    There will be a series of Watchtower articles that pave the way for the new light that elders are now the new FDS.

    There will be a decrease in publishers in the United Stated, depsite their best efforts to manipulate the numbers.

  • Yerusalyim

    New book release in summer 2004 Assembly wins "Best New Fiction" award. next C/O visit my step son Barry is appointed as an MS just like his daddy.

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