Describe Your Mood At This Moment

by minimus 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • shamus

    I feel good. Tired, but good!

  • avishai

    Can't sleep. Sick as a dog, like the rest of the family.

  • Angharad


    One of the kids woke a 4 AM to see if Santa had been, finally went back to sleep at 5 and then both of them got up at 6.30

  • Latte


    Poor 'ol you! You should of woke Simon up ....there again it was almost impossible to wake my hubby up at those times - they go into that deep sleep where they hear absolutely nothing - no matter how loud it is!..... don't they?

    My recommendation would be to have a nice glass of wine after lunch, and then sneak off for a little kip

    Have a great day everyone!

  • Vivamus

    Could kill for a ciggie, but am high on withdrawal, so I won't. But I wanne, oh god, how much I wanne have a smoke....

    *goes and takes a sip of tea*

    *breathes in, and out*


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • Vivamus

    Oh, and very much looking forward for Christmas dinner tonight, the first one I am giving. A total party of six, nice and sweet. With a shitload of excellent wine


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • Mac

    slightly numb......but, loving everyone !!!!!!!!!!

    MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Angharad

    LOL Latte - Your right, try to wake simon and I just get a series of grunts and snorts

    Wine and sleep sounds nice after dinner.

    Kids are so excited and very pleased with all their prezzies

    Have a great day everyone !!!

  • LittleToe

    Mood? Mixed.

    I'm just heading out to spend the day with a friend who invited me to spend Xmas with his family.
    It's the first Xmas I've been able to celebrate properly.
    I can't help feeling that it's tinged with a little sadness that my family can't share it with me, however I'm setting that aside to have a right old knees up

    Merry Christmas, everyone!!!


    My general feeling, right now, is good. But I think I'd be better if I were better rested. I have had the worst sleeps the last week and a half. I have yet to have proper sleep.

    But aside from that, I feel fine.

    I celebrated a little bit with some workmates, friends as well as iiz2cool and Aztec (with her son).

    It was very nice. Made me realize just what being together was all about.

    For iiz2cool, it was a special moment I'm sure, but I'll let him speak for himself when he wakes up.

    We had good food, live music, lovely wines, desserts and all sorts of incredible snacks.

    It was fantastic!

    Today, it's the 25th. I will be spending Christmas dinner with some old friends. A World War Two Canadian veteran and his wife. It'll be great!

    Merry Christmas everyone,
    Best Wishes,

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