Life in Paradise

by Sour Grapes 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    Noah and family not burdened with burying their family members and friends, but I'am sure they saw their bloated bodies floating around their little boat. Maybe Jehovah also gave instruction to fish out the dead bodies and feed them to the thousand of animals on the ship, he is a loving GOD...

  • ToesUp

    "what happens when the elders tell us to grab a shovel and haul the corpses to a mass grave site for burial"

    I always found this visual interesting. Did you ever notice how on the nights when your service group or book study group was assigned to swish to toilets and mop the floors of the KH bathrooms, most would disappear! The Elders would have a really long Elders meeting and the sisters would be spending a little more time gossiping! It always amazed us how MOST would just POOF, disappear! Do you honestly think our "loving" brothers and sisters would show up for a body clean up? lol

  • AudeSapere

    You may enjoy an article that was written a while ago. I do not know the name of the author but the narrative is pretty easy to follow if you were raised a JW:


    And here is thread started by our dear crumpet about this article and discussion by some favorite old-timers here:

  • jookbeard

    have they thought about the environmental implications of billions upon billions of corpses rotting away all over the entire planet, what about countries like India and China where there are very very few jw's, what about the food and water systems that will be clearly polluted? I love watching the yearly population figures rise!

  • Vidiot
    "...The unburied dead, 'those slain by Jehovah', will be so enormously many that even the carrion birds and scavenging wild beasts could never take care of their consumption..."

    Vindictive much?

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