Life in Paradise

by Sour Grapes 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sour Grapes
    Sour Grapes

    So we all survive the Great Tribulation and now as the dead bodies of 99.9% of the world's population begin to stink up the place, the bodies become bloated and the flesh begins to fall off of the bones what happens when the elders tell us to grab a shovel and haul the corpses to a mass grave site for burial or perhaps a mass cremation and you tell them that you will not bury dead bodies.

    What will the elders do? (I guess they are princes now since we are on the other side of the GT) Will they haul the person into the back room of the candlelit Kingdumb Haul for a judicial meeting? If the person is unrepentant and doesn't follow direction from god will they be disfellowshipped or forced to move to a colony for troublemakers? Perhaps Jesus with his bow and arrow will just shoot them dead.

    What happens when a survivor claims the rights to a house that he had his sites on for several years while going from door to door and one of the elders tells the person to exit the house because it was his? What happens if the person puts up an argument? I don't think that anyone will be able to override the wishes of an elder or a ministerial servant.

    I have no desire to live in a paradise run by elders. It will be a living hell.

  • DesirousOfChange

    the bodies become bloated and the flesh begins to fall off of the bones

    I'm afraid you've got it all wrong -- Tony 3rd says that all the bodies are going to be all charred and split open -- just like the look of burnt hot dogs.

  • Sour Grapes
    Sour Grapes

    Just one big winner roast.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    After a hard day of work from sunrise till sunset, a nice juicy T-bone steak would be great. No steak dear (wife). How about some smothered chops. (wife) Sorry can't do. Ok how about a big juicy burger and a cold beer. (wife) How about an apple or banana remember no meat in paradise. JW husband..Sh---t.

  • Vidiot

    I've said this many times, but I find it always useful to remember...

    ...the WTS has stated very explicitly that it intends to be around to govern the New System, with the Warwick compound serving as the de facto capital.

    Now, imagine them being given control of a small country tomorrow.

    Within ten years, I guarantee you that free speech and freedom of religion would be nonexistent, advances in science and medicine would grind to a halt, outside entertainment would be banned, divorce would be illegal, creationism would be mandated in schools, any form of alternative sexual expression would be criminalized, disfellowhipped individuals would be imprisoned or deported, and "apostates" would be sentenced to death without possibility of appeal or reprieve.

    Now, visualize a regime like this encompassing that entire planet.


    Food for thought for the "what-if-they're-right?" crowd.

  • smiddy3

    Life in Paradise

    Ok , will their be any Electricity ? for the home ? Who is going to keep the supply up and running ? workers ?

    What about sewerage ? who is going to maintain and work this system ? Witnesses ?

    Sewerage needs water to function well ,who is going to keep the water system going not only for sewerage but also for drinking and bathing ? these systems have to be maintained and serviced .

    What about Gas ?who is going to maintain and supply gas to your homes for cooking and heating

    Oh that`s right Jehovah God the magician is going to wave his hand and presto all these things will be taken care of .

    Look at the big major cities of the world today far too many for me to list but just a few Shanghai ,New York,London ,Paris ,Moscow ,Beijing ,and their are scores more around the world ,they are concrete monstrosities ,just how are the survivors going to clear that up in a thousand years and at the same time re-educate resurrected people and also turn this world into a paradise ?

    Oh that`s right Jehovah the magical God .

    But hang on Jesus Christ is in charge not Jehovah and he has done nothing since his enthronement since 1914 !

    104 years ago.

  • BluesBrother

    The Wachtower has commented on this. They have said thar Jehovah would deal with this, " perhaps by the use of anti- matter" so do not worry your head abot it. That quote was a long time ago and I cannot access it now.

  • stillin

    Probably Jesus would be a pretty cool ruler. He has dealt with petty tyrants and he was a peacekeeper. He can do miracles, they say, so that covers everything. He's cool with people's problems; he didn't go around shunning and df'ing. I can't think of a single instance of there being a dress code for when you were with Jesus.

    My guess is that he would have enjoyed entertaining people with whimsical science tricks, too!

    The first thing he would probably do is knock over that "sacred cow" up at Warwick.

  • eyeuse2badub

    Do you think that jehober will be pleased once he sees those 8.5 billion dead bodies? Will the decaying bodies produce that "restful odor" that the Jewish animal sacrifices supplied? Wanton mass outpouring of blood seems to be the ultimate high for the "most high"!

    just saying!

  • freddo

    Here you go Bluesbrother ... (bold italic added by me)

    *** kj chap. 20 p. 377 par. 22 Land of Magog No More to Threaten Mankind ***

    The fact that Jehovah leaves the bodies of those slain at the defeat of Gog’s attack lying exposed on the ground for birds and wild beasts to gorge themselves upon symbolizes that they will not be laid in respected memorial tombs in hope of a resurrection for them. The unburied dead, “those slain by Jehovah,” will be so enormously many that even the carrion birds and scavenging wild beasts could never take care of their consumption. The burial of even what remains after these lower creatures have their fill would be stupendous. Doubtless the Almighty God will use some highly scientific means, whether including antimatter or not, to dispose of the surplus of decaying bodies in a speedy and sanitary way. This remains for the survivors of the “war of the great day” to see and witness. We remember that Noah and his seven fellow survivors of the global Deluge were not burdened with burying the human victims of that world catastrophe after they came out of the ark and renewed Jehovah’s worship on earth.

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