One More Elder who is starting to Question the WT

by sis in distress 53 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Great letter! It looks to be the fate of this brother is comparable to a line in one of Frank Sinatra's song 'My Way' and it goes like this, "And now the end is near, I face the final curtain..."

    I'm interested in knowing how their going to answer his letter or will they? Once again, great letter!

    Guest 77

  • freelife

    I really feel for him he's got a long hard road ahead. Especially being mislead for his whole life. His whole world will be turned upside down. Just let him know that many others who have gone down this road will be there for him in his time of need. We will try to show him what "true" brotherly love is about. Just try to prepare him for the shock that he is going to receive and try to be there for him yourself.

  • sis in distress
    sis in distress

    Thanks for all the kind words, we will let you all know how this plays out. And my husband and I will be here when they need someone to turn to, only time will tell what happens though.

    thanks again and good night

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    The Gov. Body rep will probably contact the BOE concerning the elder's letter and he will be in the "line of fire" from now till the end....of his standing as a JW.

    Frannie B

  • seattleniceguy

    There is almost nothing that pains my heart like seeing someone so honestly disillusioned. I hope you friend gets the link to this post so that he can see for himself that he has many sympathetic friends here.

    I was encouraged to hear the elder say that so many people had been asking questions like those in the letter. Perhaps we are edging closer to a mass exodus from the organization? I simultaneously look forward to and dread such an outcome, because it will mean so much pain for so many people. But the long term benefits far outweigh the initial distress.


  • avengers

    Good letter from an honest person.

    Don't expect an honest answer though.

    The WT slept with the Wild Beast. They do not deny it; they even condone it.
    Actually it's real simple. The WT is a whore.
    Not as they say Jehovah's Slave.


  • core

    The writer of this letter lets his genuine concern and honesty shine through - he is facing a decision time all of us here on the board have faced - for him and all his family I pray that the faceless managers at the Bethel do not respond by asking local elders to "assist" (that is "disfellowship) this person

    Lots has been written here about elders (mostly critical) but many are like the writer of this letter - genuine, confused by what they begin to see of the WT deception - lets all hope for a good outcome for him and his family - please keep us updated and remember that we are thinking of you

  • shamus

    Just like Ray Franz did. Your hubby is following in his footsteps.

    Unfortunately, you are on your way out wheather you realize it now or not. They will not tolerate you questioning they're divine authority. Your journey has only just begun... welcome to the truth about the troof! It is a great realization, and welcome to your first step out.

    If you ever want to go back, you had better be able to deal with disciplinary action at best.... they are going to want you out now. It's a cult. Just wait and see if what I say comes true.

  • scotsman

    It is a very well written letter.

    Isn't there some danger in posting it here that it could be read by someone from Mordor Patterson? The background info could put him in an awkward position and affect their response (Elder Swat team).

    He sounds so genuine that I'd hate to hear he got mashed.

  • DanTheMan

    One dear sister who is a pillar in the congregation pointed out to me the June 1, 1991 article: "Their Refuge-A Lie!" where you brothers pointed out scripturally that Christendom had turn to the UN for help instead of waiting on Jehovah. The article asked the question:

    How extensive is her involvement with this organization?"

    and the Society’s reply was and I quote:

    "A recent book gives an idea when it states: "No less than twenty-four Catholic organizations are represented at the UN"

    Well what I found shocking is that these were NGOs the same as the Society.

    Hypocrisy 101. What response could they possibly give to this? An excellent letter.

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