One More Elder who is starting to Question the WT

by sis in distress 53 Replies latest jw experiences

  • czarofmischief

    I have to shake my head in sympathy, and offer a big pincushion of a hug...

    It's going to be rough, but you must use this analogy. It's one that has given me a great deal of comfort. When you are in a nightmare, you usually don't know you are. As it intensifies and the fear mounts, it rapidly draws to a conclusion. Then you wake up, and you are disoriented, until you remember what you really are. Then the fear subsides.

    He is in the Witness nightmare, and it is starting to draw to a close. Naturally, it is getting more intense and frightening, but eventually he will wake up and remember who he really is. Someday, this will all seem like a bad dream that you only half remember. There will be a period of disorientation, just like when you wake up from a nightmare, but eventually your natural personality will assert itself, and freedom will seem cool and sweet.

    Good luck.


  • Will Power
    Will Power

    Great analogy czar.

    I feel like I've been trying to wake someone in a coma. Now I'm about to leave it alone knowing it can take 10years to come out if you're lucky !

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi sis in distress.


    What a heartfelt written letter from a man who is obviously a "good guy". A caring person, who would really like some answers about all the "lies" he has been told by the Watchtower Society.

    Your husband, I'm sure would like clear answers to all those things he asks. Answers that would explain in a way that would make sense.

    I'm afraid that the justified answers he seeks.. will not be forthcoming...and they will make no sense.

    It's really hard to accept that somone that you have given your whole hearted trust to has been lying to you all along. Then to realize that you have been passing that lie on to other people as truth.

    Kind of reeks of being USED...

    (((big hugs to you both))) as you go through the shock of realizing that the society has been untrue.


    Special K

  • zion sleeping
    zion sleeping

    That was a excellent letter that questions there role and exposing them... I must add this BROTHER can kiss his position g-bye. That letter WILL be returned to the C.O. & P.O. with a recommendation, not for a pat on the back!!!

  • DevonMcBride

    Welcome to the board Sis,

    First, I was never a JW but lost a friend to that cult. Maybe my response is a little naive because I never was but here goes.

    No doubt this man will be df'd, loose his position or at he very very least, reproved. On the positive side, there are others in his congregation who have been questioning the Watchtower's actions too. Most likely he isn't the only elder in his congregation hearing this. If his letter is passed onto the BOE, they may df him, but deep down they probably agree with him. It could open the doors for them to exit too.

    Just trying to look on the bright side,


  • minimus

    As an elder, he should know the Society will cc: copies of his letter.The "issue" of the UN is now dead. No one is talking about it at this time. It seems from the conversations this "elder" has had with other elders, that this subject has become quite a big deal in the congregation. I am skeptical that this thing is real. Is it possible to verify who's posting here? Something doesn't seem right to me. Of course, I could be totally mistaken. But, for some reason, I think this is questionable.....Sorry.

  • mouthy

    Why is my answer deleted & lolly dawdle???? Would really know

  • wednesday

    i'm a bit curious , like MIM . I would think the child molestation issue would be troublesome , bc it has been on TV and JWS have received some nasty backlash from it.

  • joenobody

    Glad you mentioned the same thing Minimus. Something in this letter did not ring true. It made it sound like the elder recently looked on the UNs site (which no longer has the WTS on it) and things like that. I doubt that many would be asking questions of the elders re: UN NGO association. I'll believe it when I see a real response from the Society.

  • garybuss

    The Witnesses I know would say, "It's all a lie!", no UN, no child abuse, no failed predictions, All is fine . . . . Look at all the growth. And even if it isn't the truth . . . "I couldn't have had a better life!" . . . .

    The Witnesses I know love being Witnesses. They like the idea of never dying and being instantly rich and smart and young and healthy in the new world. They like dressing up and strutting. They like their elder jobs and they gloat in the prestige. They enjoy their power and their secret meetings. The women enjoy being treated like yesterday's newspaper and they brag about remaining faithful for 70 or 80 years. Their survivors are proud these women worked selling religious literature for 80 years and never accomplished one real thing with their life.

    No Witness I know would ever even look at anything that might expose the Corporation as being different than the ideal. Where are all these Witnesses who are questioning and leaving? They sure aren't around here. There are a dozen or more cars at the Kingdom Hall every day and meeting nights the parking lots are jammed to overflowing.

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