A serious question about the angels that materialized pre-flood

by TweetieBird 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Satanus


    That is the wt story, but just for the sake of lurkers, i find problems w it. For instance, how could those shimmers impregnate women?


  • no one
    no one

    Great question, Tweetie. The Nephilim have always been a problem for me.

    If, as John 1:3 says: "All things came into existence through him (the Word), and apart from him not even one thing came into existence.", did the fallen angels create the Nephilim? If so, what is the difference between an angels' abilities to create life out of nothing with pro-creative powers and God's? Who breathed into them the breath of life? If only God has this capability, does this make him complicit in the evil that overtook the earth?

    Why did they (angels) create only male entities? If they found women so beautiful, why didn't they create males and females and 'do' each other? Were the Nephilim 'everlasting' and thereby had to be destroyed by some means? I had one JW tell me that the angels were only able to materialize their own bodies. "So--all angels are male" was my reply. He withdrew the comment, but offered nothing in its place. And lastly, ain't it amazing how the creatures of heaven are so envious of humans and the things we enjoy? Makes you wonder what heaven is like if the angels are standing around saying, " Hey, we been gyped. I wish I were human." Edited to respond to 'growedup's' rsponse. Thanks for the link, growedup. I'm sure that males and females were a result of this union (if you can believe in the possibility of such a union). My thought was why did the angels all have/need to be males? Why did the angels tie themselves to us? Why not create males and females among themselves and go off somewhere and do the deed? Another question: Would creatures supposedly created sexless have a sex drive? If so, why, and for what purpose? They supposedly have an entire universe to be amazed and entertained with. Is sex with human females the ultimate in all the universe???????????? (males feel free to respond now)

  • imallgrowedup

    Here is some interesting archealogical (sp?) info re: Nephilim - specifically, FEMALE nephilim. I found this at the following site: http://www.timelessvoyager.com/THESONSOFGOD.htm

    The Hebrew nation was well aware of the literal existence of giants, since they for a time coexisted with them. However, few people today concede that these extraordinary beings actually existed -- though skeletal and other remains have been found to support this thesis. In 1898, H. Flagler Cowden and his brother, Charles, unearthed the fossil remains of a giant female, over seven feet tall. In 1895, a party of miners working near Bridal Veil Falls in California, discovered the tomb of a woman whose skeletal remains were 6 feet eight inches in length.

    On May 4, 1912, the New York times published a report that eighteen skeletons were found while excavating a Mound near Lake Delavan Wisconsin. The males were giants with remarkably large heads. In 1930, a mining engineer named J. E. Coker, discovered the bodies of men eight feet in height buried tier by tier in Sayopa Sonora, Mexico. Here are a few other locations where gigantic human-like skeletal remains have been uncovered in recent years: Tioga Point, Bradford County Pennsylvania; Dresbach, Minnesota; La Crescent, Minnesota, and Ellisburg Pennsylvania.


  • Undecided

    If they really found these bones, where are they now? Wouldn't they have put them in a museum somewhere? I find it hard to beleive.

    Ken P.

  • Satanus


    The Hebrew nation was well aware of the literal existence of giants, since they for a time coexisted with them.

    I read about these giants before. The story of their disposal is another issue. Whoever focusing on tall races as proof of biblical fairy tails is pretty shallow scholarship by that site. Do the existence of pygmies prove that ufo little people had genetic input?

    Furthermore, these tall people were american, not middle eastern. These psuedo bible scholars will reach long and far at staws. There are still some very tall native americans around.


  • Odrade

    I remember while in school as an arrogant little preachy dub, I wrote a whole report for term paper about how mythology stemmed from the "true" accounts in the Bible. ie: Hercules = Samson, the Demi-gods = Nephilim, ect. My teacher at the time suggested it might be the other way around, that the Bible stories were based on a long history of mythology. I remember shaking my head and thinking how could she be so ignorant... well, I guess the joke is on me.

    Wish I could tell her I finally got it straight, but I think she passed away a few years back.


  • chappy

    Many think these angels were aliens. It IS an interesting parallel with all the claims today about women being abducted and impregnated by aliens. Are they back at it again?



  • waiting

    About the heighth of some skeletons............what about the Zulu tribe in Africa. They're outstanding in many ways - I think the average (at least used to be) around 7ft?

    Of course, the Pygmies have already been mentioned - but it does show that a remarkable difference is seen in human size. Also, the dead person could have just been a oddity - like those which frequented circus side shows.

    As for the group of tall skeletons - it could also be that the beginnings of that group were ostracized (or chose to marry like sized ones) - and went off to form their own group. Intermarrying. Very common.

    The angels "materialized" - get it? It was like Star Trek. They shimmered for an instant, then gradually became present.

    That's the explanation I was taught. After the flood, the angels weren't allowed to materialize anymore - thus the need to takeover another human. If they could materialize a body, then they obviously could materialize sperm. If we're making the story up - and we are - this explanation is as good as any other one. Make your own up!

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, this could go on forever.....because there is NO ANSWER as it's make believe. Trust your child, when it's make believe - believe whatever you want. Well, that's the WT way too.

    Merry Christmas!

  • funkyderek
    Is sex with human females the ultimate in all the universe???????????? (males feel free to respond now)

    Yes it is but that's because due to adaptation or design there are chemicals in my body that make me strongly attracted to young, healthy adult human females. If it weren't for those chemicals I'm sure I'd find the whole idea a bit messy and distasteful - as I did before puberty hit!

    It seems ridiculous that any kind of creator would create spirit beings who found human females attractive at all, let alone so attractive that they would suffer eternal damnation just for a "quickie".

  • Elsewhere

    An interesting question? you could also ask the same thing of Prometheus?s liver. After he was chained to a large rock his liver was pecked out by birds every day, only to grow back every night.

    Where did the liver come from and how did it grow so quickly?

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