The Society has given up on "holiday witnessing"

by dothemath 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Eyebrow2

    I did go out on Christmas day, BUT usually in the afternoon...not mornings so that we did not interrupt opening of the gifts..that was a bit much...and only on Thanksgiving morning not in the afternoon. never really bothered me too much. I never thought too much of the pioneers who went out all week long during the day when NO ONE WAS HOME. I wanted to be out when the peeps were home.

    what can I say...I was a true believer...

  • Sunnygal41

    I did when I was a teenager.......back in the early 70's.....mixed reviews...........then, when I got married for awhile we used to go out with a "zealous" group, but, then, I told my ex that I wasn't going to inflict myself on these poor people trying to have a good day without interrupting them! Of course, that went over like a lead balloon with the zealots, but at that point I didn't give two shits what they thought. I cared more for the poor "worldly" people than for what the Dubs or even Jehovah thought about it.


  • BluesBrother

    In the "Good old days" when I was a kid , the KH was pretty full on Christmas morning at 10 o clock and there was a spirit of adventure about it it all.

    As time went by enthusiasm had tailed off considerably. Last time I went out in the mid 90's , I was the only idiot who turned up. My brother elders had got me to "lead" the effort , but they themselves and everyone else chose not to follow. I was so discouraged that I did not knock any doors .

    Last year I saw a couple in another location heading for the meeting place as we visited family, at least they were doing it

  • xjw_b12

    As a kid it was bad enough going out on a Saturday morning, and seeing kids in the Living Room watching cartoons.

    Christmas morning, seeing kids opening up presents, and having the time of thier lives was just torture.

    xjw_b12 ..... former member of the "Only JW Kids Hate Weekends" club

  • dothemath

    Minimus......don't know if this was happening in your area, but even the circuit overseers seem to have skirted around this in recent years........they always seem to schedule their pioneer schools, or elders schools around this time of year.

  • lurk

    christmas witness

    do you relise that jesus isnt a baby anymore.some folkes dont relise this....

    not that im saying your thick of course


  • willyloman

    Simon -

    Is there a "best line in a post" contest under way?

    If so, I nominate Czar, for this:

    If my religion had really trained us to be ministers, like they claimed we were, we would have been running a soup kitchen or something, not berating people for not feeling guilty enough.
  • millie6169

    On holidays when we would go preaching I would take it upon myself to be the "DOOR RINGER" ...and then I'd pretend to ring the bell like put my finger over it but not really ring always wondered if anyone would ever catch on...but none of my partners ever did...I felt bad about it afterwards...but now I feel like I spared a few people from the grip of the WTS ...sometimes I wanna go out in "service" preaching to NOT listen to WTS...maybe It will undo all the guilt I have now for introducing so many people to the wts.

  • Wolfgirl
    have. It was the one time that I really had to cringe and kind of agree when people would say, "You can't leave us alone for this one day a year?" And of course, they were none too happier when we smiled and replied' "Well, we think that of all days to talk about Jesus, this one would certainly be appropriate!" Then we would go back to the car and make cracks about how worldly people didn't even want to talk about Jesus on their own dumb holiday for him, while secretly heaving a sigh of relief that it was over.


  • avengers

    I remember one time they were encouraging to go out on service on the holidays, so I got the whole family
    together and we all went in my van. Nobody else showed up. Nobody.
    That was very encouraging. I still haven't thanked the elders. (__|__).

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