My family has never been happier!

by Redneckgurl 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Redneckgurl

    Hi everyone! I know it's been a while again since I posted, just a lot going on. I guess I missed the get-together in Dallas, hopefully I will get to the next one!

    Anyway, we are celebrating Christmas this year. My mother looked in the window and saw the tree last week, has not talked to me since. She has even been short tempered with our co-workers. Good going Mom!

    My kids are sooooooooooo happy! They are sooooooooo excited and I will tell you that everyone we know is just as excited for us! My daughter's teachers threw her a first Birthday party last week at school. (how many kids get gifts from the teachers at school for their birthday? or a party?) This was a big deal to them. Also, one of her teachers brought us a tree last week, with ornaments and lights. I really felt like that was a blessing, don't know why, but I did. (but I would have thought that Satan was knocking on my door with these wonderful things, had I not changed my beliefs, how sad)

    Guess what I bought? A STAR.......for the tree! I remember when I was a kid and my parents were "out" for a while, my mother would only put a bow on the top of the tree, like that didn't make it so bad or something. Whatever......

    Yes, I still have issues, I am sure.......can't really figure out now why my mother doesn't see the hypocrisy, or maybe she does but doesn't want to admit it.

    Kids are thrilled, even with losing their closest grandparents, they don't seem to be too phased by it, and you know what? Niether am I, because I guess for the first time in my life I feel free, like I am not being watched and scrutinized for everying, nor do I feel terrible about my evil self..........what a great feeling!

    so, that was just a quick update, we have been really rejoicing over being happy, even attended a Christmas Pageant at the local Baptist Church ,and guess what else???? There were a lot of people who came up to us to say hi, just like at the Kingdom Hall! Imagine that! there were nice people there!

    Hope some of you can relate.....we did write our letters to DA ourselves, (my husband and I), for the benefit of those we still do care about in the organization. Just feel like they should know, so they don't get too shocked.

    Redneckgurl (probably will sign my name soon!)

  • Gopher

    Congrats to you, your husband and kids!

    And for the people at the Baptist church that made you feel welcome there. And to your mom for refusing to treat you with kindness in spite of religious differences.

    My folks haven't really talked to me for years...the hurt diminishes as time goes by. You come to realize that it's wasteful to spend a great deal of effort trying to change unloving people, even if they are your own parents.

    Anyway -- the important thing is.. you are doing right by your kids, bringing them up to be loving, joyful people. They will appreciate it so much when they get older.

  • Smyler

    Merry Christmas!

    This is my first Christmas too! My girlfriend's parents, her brother and her are all getting me presents, just like your kid's teachers! Even tho I'm 15, I still wish that I could have 'done' Christmas forever. You know, I'll ever be able to believe in Santa, etc. Oh, well, at least I'm out!

    BTW, how old are your kids?

  • Nikita

    Hooray Redneckgurl!! It sounds like you are just as excited as your kids-thats great!!


  • freelife

    Merry Christmas Redneckgurl, like your family this is my first Christmas too. My fiancee and her son and her parents are making this a most amazing time for me. I hope that now that you are away from the insanity of being a JW that you can now really enjoy the life on the outside. I hope that all your families Christmas wishes come true. Truely enjoy the times you are now going to have and try to make up for your lost time by savoring the times like these.


  • morty

    Glad to hear your in spirit of things now.....what a great feeling to know that your children will know longer be centered out....

    Enjoy your new journey...

    Merry ChristmasChristmas Tree


  • orangefatcat

    Wow Redneckgurl,

    I am sooooo happy for you and your family. Isn't it wonderful to be happy? Me too I am so happy this year and for the last four years since I found the real truth. My husband is the best thing in my life. He is my second husband. I divorced my first one after 28yr of marriage to a fanatical witness.

    Ah the freedom, its like a breathe of fresh cool air. Don't you love it.

    I see that you made this comment about your mom and I just realized that that is what I now see in my mom she,

    "........can't really figure out why my mother doesn't see the hypocrisy, or maybe she does but doesn't want to admit it."

    that statement fits my mom to a tee. She would rather be miserable in seeing the hypocrisy and knowing about it but won't ever leave it. That is why I believe she is an unhappy JW as much as she would like me to believe otherwise. But I know years ago after dad passed away mom was so unhappy she said she wanted to leave the org. But she will never say that she said that.

    I myself and like you will stay happy and they will continue in their misery.

    And now my dear friend Gopher you said,

    "my folks haven't really talked to me for years....the hurt diminishes as time goes by. You come to realize that it's wasteful to spend a great deal of effort trying to change unloving people,even if thery are your own parents".

    How true, the same applies to so many of us and in recent days my mom and I spoke after 4 year as she was very ill. But your right you can't change them. And that is a deep and sorrowing pain. I feel your sadness. and like you if we do right by our own children now and bring them up to be loving and joyful they will appreciate it when they get older. Your only young once and to make your children happy is the best gift you can give them.

    I wish both you Gopher and Redneckgurl the very best of the Holiday Season and a very Merry Christmas. Blessings to you all.

    Love always


  • smurfy

    Presents Under The TreeHave a wonderful Christmas!!!!

  • Gretchen956

    Merry Christmas, isn't life great! The best revenge is living well, as somone else said recently in another thread. Here's to a healthy, happy, and profitable new year for all of us!


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    "Free at last, Free at last, thank God Almighty, we're Free at Last" 
    		.... Martin Luther King
    Nice Post. Merry Christmas!

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