A dysfunctional morning

by SheilaM 25 Replies latest social current

  • cruzanheart

    (((((Sheila))))) You have had one of the worst years ever, my friend, and I hope and pray that 2004 will be filled with nothing but happiness for you and your family. We love you.


  • frenchbabyface

    ((( Sheila))) ...

  • Dansk


    The death of a loved one is never easy, but your gran did tremendously well

    she was 96

    I know that?s no real comfort, but she outlived my dear mother by almost 30 years ? and my brother by 67 years!

    You don?t deserve all this tragedy, but I know you?re strong and you have a great hubby:

    I am taking some time off to make sure I am here if she needs me.

    Claire, the boys and I send you and Thunder all our sincere love. Now, let?s all look forward to Christmas and New Year

  • little witch
    little witch

    Geez, I am sorry guys.

    Why is that fate makes us deal with these troubles "back to back"? Life treats me likewise,

    I feel I should have a few years to regain my composure after such a loss, but trouble always comes in threes at least...sigh...

    I am really sorry for your loss.

  • shera

    ******hugs****** to both of you

    Thunder you are cool.

  • Sentinel

    Losing a granny is like losing a long held treasure. But, she did live a long life. Let your good memories give you some comfort.

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