What Type of Personality Are You Drawn To?

by minimus 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • seattleniceguy

    Wow, jwbot is cool.

    All this dork-loving has got me all misty-eyed. I'm a big fan of the dork myself. To me a dork should be laid back enough to laugh at himself and be cool, but also be able to take a strong position and defend it when need be. Kind of a "dork in shining armor," you might say. And you know dorks are going to be honest - hell, what's to lie about? So yeah, I like a funny, honest, down-to-earth, good ol' fashioned dork.

    And kudos to joannadandy for making that first observation!

  • joannadandy
    Maybe the reason some of you like "dorks" or "nerds' is because you still want to be with a Jehovah's Witness.


    Like JWbot, there wasn't one JW guy I was attracted to...well that's not true, plenty of eyecandy but nothing of substance I wanted to settle down with. Empty drones mostly. I have no time for people who must first consult with a body of elders, my field service time card, or a stack of handbooks before he can ask me out.


    Baby you're gettin me all hot and bothered now!! "Dork in shining armor" *drools*

  • seattleniceguy

    Just doin' my dorkly best!

  • FlyingHighNow
    I do and say silly things that "cool" people wouldn't. like I fart on my loved ones and laugh for a good ten minutes. hehe but I am so very proud of my weirdness :)

    Okay well maybe I stand corrected, JW. I would think you are more weird than dork but then I am very drawn to a certain kind of weird person. As I always say, when I was growing up my family was the Addams Family of the neighborhood. Kids used to look at me and say, "You're weird." At the time I didn't understand that I should have taken it as a compliment.

    Main Entry: dork
    Pronunciation: 'dork
    Function: noun
    Etymology: perhaps alteration of dick
    Date: 1967
    slang : NERD; also : JERK 4
    Main Entry: nerd
    Pronunciation: 'n&rd
    Function: noun
    Etymology: perhaps from nerd, a creature in the children's book If I Ran the Zoo (1950) by Dr. Seuss (Theodor Geisel)
    Date: 1951
    : an unstylish, unattractive, or socially inept person; especially : one slavishly devoted to intellectual or academic pursuits <computer nerds>
    - nerd·ish /'n&r-dish/ adjective
    - nerdy /-dE/ adjective

    Pronunciation Key

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  • Satanus

    I'm attracted to the kind that are like my dad. He was/is macho tough, demanding agreement w his views, in order to get his approval. Affection and acccess was never really given by him. So, as a kid, i was always running after a carrot, just out of reach. Contradiction was/is enterpreted by him as defiance/rebellion/insult, and was/is punished. I'm glad there are thousands of miles between us.

    I always had a tendency toward friends/girlfriends a bit like that, uninterested in normal, relaxed, open people. Since i recognised that in me, i have worked on it, attempting to transcend to a deeper, purer level.


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