When JWs come here

by larc 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yadirf

    To: Crag

    Did I say that again? I meant "Chag". Anyway, you seem to forget that the expression "Jehovah's Witnesses" is a name that the WTS adopted for identification purposes. Before that I know of no one that was calling themselves JWs. So, today, either a person is one of Jehovah's Witnesses (as in association with the WTS) or is an ex-JW ... one or the other.

    To: Tiny Tina

    Listen honey, every time you open your mouth ... you seem to put your foot in it. Isn't that size 15 getting to be a little uncomfortable.

    My exact words were: "No you're not a JW. Once you decided that you never wanted anything to do with the WTS,you quit being a JW." But Friday hasn't made that decision, Tiny. You REALLY don't want to know why I call you "Tiny" ... although it's not hard for anybody to figure out.


  • Introspection

    Well, to be fair I think it's also relevant to point out that some JWs are not filled with anger, though they can be judgemental. I remember once when I was in service and the householder correctly pointed out that the literature uses fear to motivate the reader. After we left the place the brother I was with said sometimes they do immoral things in their lives, as if that somehow explained away the point he made. Of course, I think the truth is like many witnesses, he tried to rationalize any doubt and inconsistencies within the organization and his own mind, and of course in this case there was absolutely no reason for thinking the guy was immoral, other than maybe his long hair.

    I do think that the typical JW conception of God does tend to make the individual the same way though, as one is supposed to use that as a model. The love tends to be superficial and little more than being "nice" while associating with others. To use Einstein's three types of religion as a model, the witnesses tend to be between the first two, the religion based on fear and the moral religion. There can be no love in the sense of feeling one with all because there is this separation between you and the worldly people.

    It seems to me the anger comes from the cognitive dissonance, frankly I don't think they understand or own the anger and direct it toward others when it is a conflict in their own mind. While the average person may experience this even within the religious realm, I think with JWs it is likely to be more extreme, as everything is supposed to be "just so." Besides, it is likely most have invested their life, in fact their everlasting life in the belief system, and if the belief system on which those are based is challenged, the implication is profound. It's just too close for comfort and it's best to not allow one's theology and world view to be questioned, (even by oneself) just as the "faithful slave" tells them to do. I would say that the bottling up of anger is first and foremost a bottling up of such doubt even if on an unconscious level, and depending on whether it manifests as anger or depression, you can explode or implode.

    I wanted to touch a little more on the subject of the anger expressed by those who are challenged. . . The JWs and other strongly religious people talk about the concept of love. . . At the same time, some very religious people believe that God, is a God of wrath, who dishes out retribution to the sinners. . . I think, this mental construct creates in the believer, a mild, smiling, loving exterior with a seething, hate filled interior. When you poke the exterior, the hate inside comes spewing out. What do you think?

    It seems to me that when a person bottles up anger, because they think it is Unchristion, but they feel it deep inside they are going to explode when provocted (sp?).

  • logical
    I like this site, some of the things here really make me think

    Dont apply to Mensa

  • logical

    Sorry, that was nasty, but there isnt all that much to think about on this forum.

  • neyank

    My my my,
    Friday-yadirf is being rather touchy isn't he?
    Ok yadirf. Oh heck. I'm going to call you friday. OK?
    You are right. I am not a JW......NOW.
    But I was a full fledged believing in the WTS JW when I started to investigate
    the org. and their past teachings.
    Someone said at one time, knowledge is power. And acurate knowledge can change lives.
    Isn't this true?
    Haven't you ever wondered why most JWs that find out the real truth about the WTS decide
    not to remain with the org.?
    It's because most honest hearted people cannot follow and believe a lie.
    When a person is a JW because he/she loves God and wants to please Him and then finds out
    that what they have been believing is NOT the truth, what should they do?
    Should they continue with the WTS knowing that the WTS is not teaching the truth about God?
    Or should they remove themselves from the WTS knowing that the org. is actually going against God
    and teaching lies instead of truth?

    How can you say that someone has returned to their own vomit when you don't know what the
    circumstances are?
    Do yourself a favor and read that scripture again. Notice that it's talking about returning to sin.
    Are you saying that those that leave the WTS because the Org. has lied and decieved people
    have returned to sinning?
    I think your values are mixed up.

    I think you better get back to reading the Bible without the WTS and see how the Org.
    has shown that they are NOT Gods chosen orginization.


  • RedhorseWoman

    Simon is in no way deceptive with his labelling of this site. When I first came here, it was pretty much a JW site, albeit a site for "thinking" JWs (an oxymoron if I ever heard one). By and large, those thinking JWs have been allowed to express their doubts and concerns. Some have left, some have become ex-JWs, and some are still processing the information.

    There was no intent to deceive. It's almost impossible, however, to keep a site focused as a totally active JW site without heavy moderation. Any site that is allowed free intercourse of ideas will attract a wide range of people, as has this one.

  • seven006

    DAVE QUOTE: but by just a little use of basic reading skills and the
    ability to put two and two together someone could quickly figure out
    what it's all about.

    YADIRF QUOTE Response: Then there isn't much of a reason for not callin’ it what it actually is, is there? … a Discussion Forum for ex-JWs to talk about their former religion.

    Dave Response: Since you realize that and continue to post here you must then consider yourself an exJW or a very confused back sliding JW. Which is it?


    DAVE QUOTE: I'm sure you are more than familiar of this technique, you
    have used it yourself many times.

    YADIRF QUOTE Response: That's not true.

    Dave Response: That's it? That's your whole entire argument? I spent 22
    years going door to door and was accompanied by hundreds of different
    JW's in that amount of time. The presentations and programed response to the question "What is your purpose for coming to my door" was the same at all times. It must have escaped your mind that this forum is full of people that at one time were involved in the door to door service and that we do have a clue about what was said. Are you telling me that I seem to have forgotten 22 years of my life? Come on now, I think you are a lot smarter than that, I know I am.


    DAVE QUOTE: On a daily basis JW's knock on peoples doors stating their
    intention is for people to just simply study "their own "bible.

    YADIRF QUOTE Response: I've never once known that to be the case. I've never been out in the service going door to door without having a Bible study aid of one sort or another to offer the householder. If the person was favorable to a Bible study, the particular study aid was acknowledged up front. There was no deception attached to it whatsoever.

    Dave Response: I guess your congregation had their own way of doing
    things then. If they would have gone by the many demonstrations directed by the society in their "service meetings" they would have used the same deceptive techniques that were taught to all JW's. Since I have not physically been to your particular kingdom hall I guess I can't say you are wrong. My logic and experience would tend to make me think you are either not being honest with yourself or are indeed under a delusion and in self denial. There is another option I could consider in that your congregation did in fact do things different then the hundreds of other JW congregations, but according to their claims of the same exact thing being taught throughout the world in their religion I guess that blows that option out of the water.

    I didn't mention the fact that "bible study aids" were or were not kept
    in your brief case. I too had such "aids". You are manipulating and side stepping the direct issue. You are responding in the same manner I stated is used in the field service.
    That is, using a programed response to side step that would knowingly have a negative reaction with the purpose to entice by creative deception. The same goes for this site and the way it is set up with a "stated reason" as opposed to the "actual reason". The stated reason is true but, the actual reason is intended.

    The stated reason given when asked why they are at the persons door is to "encourage people to read their bibles", the actual reason is to "add more members into the religion". The exact words "we are here to get you to join our religion" are not used but that is in fact, the true reason. It's word manipulation I am talking about in my post to you. In the advertising world that technique is called "the hook". You hook them and then you sell them.

    The whole reason for me making this post is to agree with you that it is the technique Simon is using. It is also the technique the JW's use. So if they can do it so can he. It's a very simple statement and a very
    simple concept.


    DAVE QUOTE: I had such a presentation given to me a few weeks ago and
    listened to the same programed response I once use many years ago. In
    reality the purpose is to get people to have a bible study using
    creatively worded study aids so that the house holder will at some time
    become a JW. If you deny that than you are simply not being honest with yourself.

    YADIRF QUOTE Response: Well of course the object is to help the householder to become a JW … we're obviously not there to teach them the art of sitting in a pew at the local Baptist Church, doing essentially nothing.

    Dave Response: You obviously have been to a Baptist church meeting to be able to make that statement. I guess it's all in your definition of the word "nothing". I think they try and teach and instruct their members in their version of what they consider to be the truth about god. It is no different than the JW's. If you define their actions as "noting" you must equate what the JW's do as the same. In that context I must agree with you in relation to my feelings about the whole god thing. But if that is what gets the up in the morning and puts a smile on their face then I say more power too them.


    DAVE QUOTE: The JW's realize that if they stated up front that they
    believed that the house holder was going to die along with their
    children unless they become a JW they would get anywhere at all. The
    very first introduction to the religion for most people is based on
    deceptive word manipulation.

    YADIRF QUOTE Response: That's not the least bit true. Jehovah’s Witnesses have never been selective with regards to which Watchtower or Awake magazine that they place with the public. Many, many publications that have contained the very thing you bring up has gone into the publics hands. There’s nothing secretive about those issues at all.

    Dave Response: You are missing or ignoring the point I am making. I will make that point again and put in caps so you don't miss it. WHEN ASKED BY A HOUSE HOLDER WHAT THE PURPOSE OF THEIR VISIT IS THE ANSWER IS "TO ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO READ AND STUDY 'THEIR BIBLES'". That statement as you have agreed is misleading and not the true reason for the visit. You deny that statement is made. I say that it is. To continue an argument on this is useless with you. You forget I was a JW and I not only was instructed to say make that statement but have also heard may other JW's make the same exact statement. Further arguments on "you said, I said" is pointless. You believe what you want and I will hold to the reality of my own experience in the matter.


    DAVE QUOTE: Simon is just using the same technique of specific word and
    thought manipulation to entice an interest and then later explain the
    real intention, that's it.

    YADIRF QUOTE Response: As I've demonstrated, that's not true.

    Dave Response: Demonstrated? I have seen no demonstration or a cut and
    paste quote to back up your statement. What I have seen is your denial
    of my statement. Just because you say it isn't true doesn't sway my
    thinking based on my own experience as a JW in the slightest. The
    difference as I see it is I make statements based on my own experience.
    You make them on yours. For both experiences to be different brings into the question does the religion teach different things to different
    congregations as they say they do not, or is one of us not being honest
    with ourselves.


    DAVE QUOTE: If you consider it deceptive then maybe you should look at
    what you say and what you really mean the next time you begin your
    presentation out in service.

    YADIRF QUOTE Response: Presently, and as a matter of fact for quite some time now, I am not engaging in the “service”. However, if I were so engaged there would be no necessity for any changes in “what I say and what I really mean”.

    DAVE Response: I would like to hear your reasons for not going out in
    service. I know they may be personal ones and if so please excuse me for asking. I see you as a thinker and possessing a passion for your
    thoughts and comments on this board. I would never compare you to "YOU
    KNOW" but it seems that both of you have your issues with the watchtower organization. It is my thought and I may be wrong, you seem to be at a point in your thinking that you may have some doubts about the religion. What keeps you holding on to their mind set is the question that all who have left the region ask them selves at one time. That is "If the JW's are wrong, then who or what is right"? That in my opinion is the question that is unanswerable by any religion or organized group of individuals. In my "personal" thinking none of them are all right and none of them are all wrong. They are simply a
    vehicle for a large population of humans to use to help them get from
    birth to death. To expand on my thought would take many pages and more
    time than I have right now to expand on it. If I thought it would help youin any way or that you were the slightest bit interested in my personalthoughts I would think the time to write them down. I don't see that as
    the case so I will not waste my time.


    DAVE QUOTE: got me out of the JW religion

    YADIRF QUOTE Response: Other than justifying deception, into what?

    DAVE Response: Into a life that makes me and my son's happy. To explain
    to you what I have learned and what makes me tick would take hours. I am
    not here to convert anyone into my way of thinking but mainly to meet
    and maybe gain a few friends with others that have
    experienced similar life situations as I. Being an exJW use to be a very
    lonely place to be in life, until the internet came along. I have made
    several friend through this medium and I enjoy their thoughts and
    opinions. I even enjoy reading yours. I have a lot easier time
    understanding where the members of this board have come from because I
    came from the same place. It makes making friends for a fairly shy
    person like myself a little easier. I am not interested in changing your
    mind but only conversing with you on a subject that I have experience
    with. I may not agree with your thoughts and beliefs but I do admire
    your conviction in them. I still have family in the religion and even
    though I rarely see them I still have a relative love for them. I do not hate the JW's I just do not like their approach to life and the manipulation by their leaders. Their leaders have interpreted a religious book that keeps my family in fear
    of associating with me. I think that is extremely wrong, but I respect
    my families thoughts and beliefs in regard to the religion. They of
    course do not respect mine, they are taught not to. That's a shame.

    YADIRF QUOTE: who still says that Simon is deserving of 30 lashes.

    DAVE Response: 30? hell, give the boy 60, he would probably love it!


  • expatbrit


    Then there isn't much of a reason for not callin’ it what it actually is, is there? … a Discussion Forum for ex-JWs to talk about their former religion.

    So if Simon changes the name of the board, will you go away?


  • Tina

    Quit playing stupid name games,enlighten the board and myself as to why you call me Tiny Tina.
    I'm tired of your infantile antics. Calling my friends,people whom I admire and respect names. Like Seeker,Alan,MD larc,and others.
    You're one of the reasons I was happy to leave h20.

    Oh and while you're at it,why don't you act like a decent human being and answer Seeker in the other thread. Because you can't?

  • somebody


    Thank you for your clarification. I think I understand now. So as not to take away from larc's topic, I'm posting to you in the Beliefs, Doctrine & Practices forum. If you wish to reply, please do. You'll know what thread it is when you read the topic.

    If you don't wish to reply on a public forum, my e-mail address is open for ya.


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