There seems to be many jw's marrying outside of org recently.

by atomant 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • atomant
    relationships do work when there is only one believer.My father got the truth early into his marriage and mum stayed out.Nevertheless she was happy and busy with 7 kids she called brats.
  • steve2

    There are so many variables that can make a marriage work or not. Just as there are JWs and JWs, there are nonJWs and nonJWs. Little wonder a Witness-NonWitness marriage can work, but no surprise when it doesn't.

    Equally a Witness-Witness marriage can work, but no surprise when it doesn't.

  • rebelfighter

    I agree 100% with Outsiderlookingin. When you are totally in the dark as to all the crazy JW rules and only given the real basics like we do not believe in the cross and birthdays and holidays. Then lead into what spears to be a wonderful relationship with what appears the sweetest kindest man for 5 years until he gives you the booklet on Families. You start asking questions about his religious beliefs and you get no explanation nothing but an email short to the point. "Good bye have a nice life."

    Yes you are spot on about these people dating outside their religion and that crappy thing called Theocratic warfare is nothing but flat out lying. Now that I look back he did a hell of a lot of that.

  • zeb

    "no one knew she was dating an outsider" which means the girl had enough nouse to keep her personal life to herself and not let it be run by others.

    I wish them both every happiness and fulfilled life.

  • babygirl30
    A LOT of millenials are openly dating and marrying outside the org. I think it is about time!
  • Lieu

    What do you expect if you take a slew of eligible marriage aged men to Bethels? That's like China's one child policy.

    If everyone around is of the same sex, who are they supposed to marry?

    Contrary to popular belief, most young sisters don't want left over old men for husbands. They want someone young and fun to grow old with.

    Now if you get a bunch of recent releasees in your Hall, you're looking at 25-30 yr olds who may have never paid a gas and electric bill in their lives, have no real world home skills, etc.

  • nonjwspouse
    Steve2 you fail to recognize how few people know the reality that is dictating the Jws life, whether active or inactive and still mentally "in". For example, a born in un baptized JW To marry someone, both spouses promise not to ever try to convert the other person, not to try to raise any future children in the Borg, to claim zero interest in field service or meetings, to make this a solid marriage promise knowing at the time to break this solemn promise could be a deal breaker... And then claiming a "change of mind, I grew up ( ~50 years old) and breaking the promise in the spouses most vulnerable emotional time in the marriage is horrific. Yet to the JW it is rationalized as ok to do this because it could further kingdom interests. Most non JW people are clueless at how destructive the wtbts mind control "cancer" really is. Going to the official web site and reading hand picked public magazines, the full dispicable scope is impossible to realize. Talking with a still in JW is supposed to be the only acceptable way to get information otherwise. Let's get real. Just what kind of realistic truthful information will be provided to this unsuspecting non JW that loves the potential spouse? It took years of concentrated research for me to recognise the full scope of this control over the minds, and damage to families. My initial reaction was one of confusion at the simple minded writings, the confusing quotes that didn't really apply to the text it was supposed to apply to. The people at the hall were nice ( love bombing is powerful). I have to say steve2 you are not thinking through the devastating effect of the JW " changing their mind". " putting on a new personality" etc as soon as a life crisis of some type occurs. Them BOOM the wtbts is then an unwelcome third party i the marriage that trumps the marriage mate. There are really no words to express the extent damage this does to a relationship, to a family, to the collateral damage in the children. It part of what can create those helpless feelings that suicides are made of. So, no, it's not in the least bit funny, or acceptable for any JW that is not aware of ttatt and acknowledges the org is not history even entertain marrying a non JW. Even the active JW doesn't usually have the full information to give the non JW. , it's a mind control cult after all.
  • Vidiot

    Pickings of real men at KHs are pretty damn slim at this point...


    ...'course the ladies are gonna go fishing in deeper waters.

    They got basic human needs that aren't being met.

  • NeverKnew

    Nonjwspouse I completely and wholeheartedly agree with you. The JW party MUST lie to to the nonJW from day 1. Their real perception that eventually comes out is not one of mutual respect for the religious (or non religious) beliefs from which you've come. Once it comes out, the condescending arrogance that you're faced with is unreal.

    Many books cover the dual personality of a cult member. At the point of realization that there really are two distinct personalities, a non JW is gobsmacked. I know for me, there was something very wrong when we talked about religion. The logic applied to certain concepts just didn't fit the model of the man I had come to love.

    In defense of them, how does one know that they are under mind control... When they are under mind control?

    For that reason, I have to suspend condemnation when off-putting things are said. When off-putting things are done they get called on it big time.

  • NeverKnew

    Does there seem to be more JW females taking on non JW spouses or is it going both ways?

    Men having more spiritual glamour (I.e. Privileges) to lose may play heavily on their choices.

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