Ask yourself why you don't DESERVE "kindness" (A look a the Watchtower's struggle against "Grace."

by Terry 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sigfrid Mallozzi
    Sigfrid Mallozzi


  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    What you said in your post makes sense but as a JW I always understood that "Jehovah's underserved kindness" had to do with how he made a way out for mankind by sending his Son Jesus to die for our sins, even though he wasn't obligated to.

    I never once got the idea that they said that we weren't worthy of Gods kindness only that considering how Adam and Eve went against the arrangement he set up for them, he didn't owe mankind on the whole, a way out of the sin and death we inherited from them. On the contrary, they indicated that we were entirely eligible for his love and encouraged us to pray to him for guidance, help. "Throw your burden on Jehovah...he himself will you sustain" was a major theme in Kingdom songs etc.

    To be fair, as far as the endless treadmill of service, what I remember is that spreading his message to others was a way for us to show our appreciation to him for the hope he provided to mankind rather than as a way to earn his love. They indicated that yes it was impossible for us do enough to deserve everlasting life. Instead, we needed to show obedience to him to show our appreciation for the undeserved "way out" he provided to mankind through Jesus. But therein lies the problem...obeying Jehovah meant obeying them and quantifying to them on a time sheet each month, how much we personally appreciated Gods underserved kindness to us.

    Many of us ran into problems when the lines became blurred and we lost sight of what we were doing and why we were doin it and who we were doing it for. That is the problem when you are following an organization that has a factory and has a product to put out and is concerned with numbers.


    PZ, you’re right, but the legalistic environment of JWism makes it clear that a Dub can never do enough, and they are constantly reminded of that. The Rank and File only benefit from the ransom by doing, doing, doing for the GB.

    They are constant reminded of their sorry state and him much they owe to Jehhoober and his Chosen Ones, and that requires doing, doing, doing, lest the conditional love be withdrawn.


  • WTWizard

    Joke-hova doesn't believe in kindness. That thing wishes nothing more than to torture and maim the whole human race, starting with the best and brightest. (This is backed up by numerous scriptures on how joke-hova puts down the best, smartest, and strongest and props up those who are stupid and weak.) That joke-hova doesn't immediately kill us all is taken for "undeserved kindness" because that monster believes life is undeserved.

    But, is it really kindness when joke-hova repeatedly holds back science to cause us all to suffer? Science could have cured diseases and eradicated many viruses that cause serious suffering, solved our resource and pollution crises, and made it possible for mankind to explore. But, Christi-SCAM-ity has destroyed all existing knowledge and prevented it from being gained back. Joke-hova obviously wants us all broke, stupid and ignorant, and sick so it can harvest our energy to enslave us. And, once we are gone, on to the next planet to repeat the process.

  • Vidiot

    As far as the WTS (and other ultra-conservative religions) are concerned, people don't really "deserve" kindness.

    We're all horrible, sinful, shitty fucks.

  • scholar


    Your criticisms of the NWT's choice of 'undeserved kindness' rather than the traditional 'grace' for the rendering of the NT word charis is naive and that JW's have a poor or inadequate understanding of kindness is rather misplaced and inaccurate. WT publications have published much on the meaning and application of how 'undeserved kindness' is and was demonstrated in terms of Salvation for all mankind with the Christ event and how such kindness should be exercised within the true Christian community.

    I suggest that you reread carefully how we understand the meaning of this Greek word in our publications as chosen by the Apostle Paul in his Epistles and also consider what mainstream Theology has contributed on the subject before being hyper critical of the teachings of JW's. Our understanding of this Greek word nicely coincides with current theological thought and development from the earliest pioneering study by G. Wetter in 1913.

    scholar JW

  • Terry

    "Your criticisms naive..."


    "Is they?"

  • Finkelstein

    The WTS's own set doctrines designate and establish which ones should receive Grace and undeserving kindness.

    You have to be obedient and subservient to them so that you are able to receive grace from Jehovah through his son Jesus Christ.

    There's the catch and a part of the coercive tactic to lure people to them and their organization, which inevitably both empowers and sanctifies themselves.

  • Finkelstein

    Hey the unrighteous JW scholar is back !

    Are you still a loyal and dedicated witness/servant for the WTS/JWorg organization scholar JW ?

  • scholar


    'Speaking collectively'

    scholar JW

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