And What about yearbook 2017 ??

by keinlezard 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • keinlezard


    In the letter of 21st May 2016 the GB explain that Examining the Scripture and Yearbook will be available at beginning in October ...

    Then we are the 26 octobre 2016 ... I saw examining the scripture ... but not yet yearbook ...

    Is the GB modifying the figure of annual report ? or the partakers ? anybody knows ?

  • darkspilver

    Well remembered!

    And fascinating - normally the YB is only released over the new year - though the wording WT has used is slightly ambiguous: "made available... beginning in October. This includes..."

    May 21, 2016 TO ALL CONGREGATIONS - Re: Annual Items for 2017

    We are pleased to inform you that electronic versions of the annual items for 2017 will be made available for download on beginning in October of this year. This includes Examining the Scriptures Daily—2017 and the 2017 Yearbook of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

  • ab.ortega

    It's a flip-flop. Lol

  • DesirousOfChange

    Do they still give Bethelites advanced copies to send to their $upporters back home who can then brag about having their Yearbook early? . . . . Doc

  • darkspilver

    Hi DesirousOfChange

    Do they still give Bethelites advanced copies to send to their $upporters back home who can then brag about having their Yearbook early? . . . . Doc

    I don't think so - the above worked logistically due to the time gap between the first printed copies being produced and the trucks delivering to congregations and the congregation actually having a meeting so the rank and file could get their hands on them - that could be quite a few weeks at best, a month or so at worse.

    Now it's all changed due to the electronic copies being able to be made available instantaneously to everyone, worldwide thanks to the website - and actually the electronic copy must be made before it's physically printed anyway?

  • steve2

    The Yearbook is usually "released" December.

    When the annual Service Report was included in the following year's Watchtower, the annual Service report was available as soon as October.

    [People may remember that the annual worldwide service report was once included in the January 1st Watchtower, then shifted to the February 1st Watchtower but in more recent years is no longer published in the Watchower but only in the Yearbook.]

  • darkspilver

    [People may remeber that the annual worldwide service report was once included in the January 1st Watchtower, then shifted to the February 1st Watchtower but in more recent years is no longer published in the Watchower but only in the Yearbook.]

    And some people might also remember that, for one year only, as part of the change over, it was printed as a four page insert in the February 2008 Kingdom Ministry

    Traditionally the Worldwide Annual Report Chart was printed in the Watchtower 1st January edition - which was normally the first time that the publishers saw the annual numbers, probably around late October/November.

    In addition it was, and so far has continued to be, printed in the Yearbook, but these would often arrive 'late' to a lot of congregations, probably around late January, February, or even March.

    The WT missed the Jan 1st Watchtower in both 2004 and 2006 when it was printed in the 1st February edition instead.

    2006 was the last time it was printed in the Watchtower.

    In 2007 it was printed in the February Kingdom Ministry as a one-off.

    The figures are now only printed in the Yeabook.

  • Gayle

    I think last year the 2016 Yearbook came out online maybe December 25, on a Friday. (Funny, I know, but I think that was the day).

    So maybe for 2017 Yearbook will come out online by this Friday or maybe Monday - Happy Halloween!!


    I think the delay is due to the alternate titles being considered by the Writing Dept. The most popular being:

    Kingdumb Anecdotes. Why they matter more than "professed" anointed ones.


  • darkspilver

    I think last year the 2016 Yearbook came out online maybe December 25, on a Friday. (Funny, I know, but I think that was the day).

    Yes, seems right - unfortunately this forum's software seems to only show how long ago a post was originally posted - ie '10 months ago', but according to the link below, Friday 25 December 2015 seems correct.

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