If 1914 gets tossed

by Leathercrop 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Once you become PIMO, fully PIMO which means physically in mentally out you can pick-out such weasel words a mile away and in the dark.

    About, apparently, maybe, evidently, perhaps, no doubt, assume....the list goes on.

  • enoughisenough

    if 1914 gets tossed, r and f will become discreditied apostates if they show others publications where it was published as God's truth...just like other bygone dates

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    There has to be a time when we have got too far away from 1914 that it must have been a wrong teaching.

    I would say now, here we are 2024 in a few weeks.

    But let’s give them 6 more years to 2030, could they still cling onto this fundamental teaching or will they have to come up with new light about it.

    It has been said, if they were wrong about 1914 then EVERYTHING falls apart.


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    1914 has to be addressed somehow & sometime soon!

    1914 has been a pivotal doctrine/teaching for too long and it has not aged well...the time has come to scrap it! I'm certain WT has a number of think-tanks working on the pros & cons of how to solve the problem of 1914. It's a prickly thorn in Mother's side for sure!

  • TonusOH

    The fact that they have learned to use so many weasel words (about, evidently, perhaps, etc) --and that they continue to remind us that they are imperfect and fallible-- undermines their credibility significantly. They do this because they want to have a ready answer anytime someone points out all the occasions when they got something wrong.

    The problem is, if you are promoting yourself as the direct line to god and god's only channel for communicating his wishes to the world, you cannot get anything wrong. You might be imperfect and fallible men, but you claim to receive direct guidance from a perfect and infallible god. Is Jehovah giving you the wrong information time and time again? Or are you unable to properly receive his message and are misleading the flock with your mistakes?

    If god is perfect and reliable and you claim that he speaks through you, you cannot get things wrong. So either god is constantly misleading the flock, or you are not god's mouthpiece. I don't really see an alternative.

  • Leathercrop

    After reading the responses here I agree with opinions that it needs to be addressed. I imagine that for younger people it may not matter as much, assuming they're all in like my generation was and the ones before precisely bc of the 1914 doctrine. If they somehow can test how important of a thing it is for the new generation and they find that it's not really that important to them then they may just ultimately ignore it and let it die. People in my generation and older will essentially have little choice but just keep going.

  • dropoffyourkeylee

    I think the SDA church still believes in their 1844 doctrine (someone correct me if I'm wrong).

    I expect the WT will find a way to explain away the 1914 doctrine and hang onto some vestige of it, while stripping away any prophetic significance.

  • jehovaxx

    There is no way to explain away the 1914 doctrine 77 week prophecy from 607, other than to admit they got it wrong. And then 1919 Jehovah chose them to be his one true religion on earth is also wrong.

    Its so bizarre how JDubs are told to do deep study but not many ever see the discrepancy that the war started in June 1914 and they say Jesus is Michael the archangel through Satan and the demons out of heaven later that year?

  • DesirousOfChange
    There is no way to explain away the 1914 doctrine 77 week prophecy from 607, other than to admit they got it wrong.

    So, their solution has been to NOT address it. Just like they have never addressed the "fact" that the "creative days" were supposedly 7,000 years each. Science has clearly disproved that crap, so it is simply has never mentioned anywhere in the publications for many years.

    In the same way, they will skip any mention of the erroneous 607-to-1914 calculations (that no one could ever remember anyway) and simply point to HOW TERRIBLE everything is and quote 2 Timothy chap 3 and the "signs" of the Last Days. Noah's time of warning about the coming Flood was 120 years, so they can still casually refer to 1914 for another 10 years. That gives the old guys time to die and not have to deal with a "fix" and it gives the young guys 10 years to pray that "some kind or any kind of" Tribulation hits (like Covid-29) and they can play that up. Or maybe even Armageddon will FINALLY come and bail them out.

  • ElderBerry

    I wonder when was the last time they repeated the 1914 77week 2000+ years from 607 doctrine? Should be easy enough to check. Is the strategy not not address the problem and hope if it’s never mentioned the problem will go away?

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