Welcome back Lee Marsh. It's lovely to see you posting again as well.
BLONDIE - It's wonderful to hear from you again
by Listener 17 Replies latest jw friends
Lee Marsh
Thank you Beth Sarim and Listener
Commander...if memory serves me, I believe Ray took a fall on some ice and hit his head. That led to brain hemorrhage complications and his passing a few days after the fall. Blondie should be able to confirm or correct my recollection.
Beth Sarim
''I believe Ray took a fall on some ice and hit his head. That led to brain hemorrhage complications''
& I do understand that I think Deb Dykstra commented that maybe he already had a brain hemorrhage and the fall contributed to the problem or the fall caused the brain hemorrhage which led to Mr. Franz passing away she said ''only God knows exactly''.
Truly tragic.
It might have been in the 2018 copy of CoC, but I can't remember where that was I read that.
I confirm this. We found out that day from Cynthia because we were just leaving to come down to visit them. We were stunned but told Cynthia we would stop by anyway for a short chat. It was so sad for her, a loving partner for so long. She and Ray did so much to help PIMOs and POMOs and others with painful questions, loving them and supporting them. Both bought out much time from their personal lives.
Commander...if memory serves me, I believe Ray took a fall on some ice and hit his head. That led to brain hemorrhage complications and his passing a few days after the fall. Blondie should be able to confirm or correct my recollection.
Thanks for the information about Ray Franz. I had no idea he had fallen on ice. Last I had known he was living in the south where getting ice is a rare occurrence. People living where they don't get much ice often are surprised for that reason. It's so rare they don't expect it and are not used to it.
Good to see Blondie and Lee back on the forum!
My bet is that Ray was ready to meet his Maker when he left us.
Ditto Blondie being back onboard. Learned more reading some of her WT study articles -- I need to search for them here and make copies.