coming to terms with the fact that jw families really suck!!!!

by freelife 20 Replies latest forum suggestions

  • DanTheMan

    My Catholic upbringing sucked, my parents were like JW's in a lot of ways. My next door neighbor was raised by a father who was into nasty nasty porn and a mom that had a really sarcastic attitude about everything, that probably sucked. My good friend growing up was adopted by a pretty weird family, has never known his biological parents, he's an alcoholic the last I heard. Another good friend was raised by his mother who worked second shift so she was never home for him, his millionaire dad pretty much ignored him and told him he would never amount to anything. He was killed at a strip club about 10 years ago.

    Just to give some perspective. Yes, JW families suck but a lot of non-JW families suck too.

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