This will most likely be my last post. I do hope you read it.

by azaria 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • JamesThomas

    Azaria, As you can see, there are many, many open, understanding and compassionate people that frequent this board. And this is just a part of it because many can get here only rarely, like dear Dansk above ( I don't mean he's dead). You will see such warmth often. It's quite beautiful. Often times few people respond to deeper threads like your "I still believe in God" thread. Not because they are not bright enough to go there, it's just that it takes time to really sit with a more serious post sometimes and give it your heart. On the other hand, fluff threads are a quickie kinda thing, and often get a lot of attention. Peace be with you Azaria. j

  • wannaexit

    Sometimes the time is just not there to read more.

    Sometimes I don't feel I have anything intelligent to say.

    But I have read your posts with interest.

    Sorry you got your feeling hurt.


  • Don Smith
    Don Smith

    Do not allow yourself to become dispirited Azaria .

    You mention about breaking a rule dear brother by not not talking about JWS or XJWS .It is true that the site was primarily set up to help exjws because when it became apparent that if one began to indicate for whatever reason that he or she wanted out the WT ORG.the WT, Juggernaut shifted into high gear to crush the life out of that person , indicated by the audacious remark ,how dare you leave Gods earthly org.and where else could you go because we alone have the have the truth.

    And this site along with others has been a blessing to xjws who have had their families and friends turn against them and catorgize them in the most odious terms possible.

    As an example last month a jw by the name of Sylvia was standing behind as i was at a bank teller machine and when i turned around to leave and saw her, i said hi Sylvia , but Sylvia had been told not to return my greeting or mention my name . When i got home i mentioned to my wife that i saw Sylvia and jokeingly said ,i guess Sylvia must have foregotten my name and we both laughed. I know Sylvia remembered my name as i was the book study conducter at their home.

    So in conclusion the moral of my story is found in the sermon on the mount where our Lord and savior proclaims the values of his kingdom where he indicated to his disciples that no matter how difficult this present life is for us personally that we can be happy " And that happines will be yours when people blame you and ill treat you and say all kinds of slanderous things against you for my sake , be glad for your reward is magnificent,for they did the same to the prophets before you, so let your light shine in the sight of men and the good things you do bring praise to your Father in heaven.

    We all feel for you and understand because we suffer for righteousness sake by having our minds made over as we continue to work in the yoke with Christ and should we falter He puts his shoulder to the and drags us out of our doldrums.

    So take care and our prayers are with you Don

  • toreador

    I missed it too, but I miss a lot of posts. Sorry.

  • PopeOfEruke


    your last name is not "Chamberlain" is it???


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