This will most likely be my last post. I do hope you read it.

by azaria 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • azaria

    I really appreciate all the replies. I feel that I am fairly strong but so much has been going on in my life in the last few months, that I finally couldn't handle it anymore; with my father passing away, my daughter giving me a hard time, separated from my husband, and being so far from all my relatives (especially my brothers) and now feeling betrayed and abandoned by the church. My mother is still a witness so obviously I couldn't talk to her and most of my friends are from this church. Not one person, including the pastor, have called to ask how I'm doing. I thought they were like family. There was a moment that I ,and my family, was doomed to Hell. I will always believe in Free Will and that God wants all to come to him. Otherwise why did Jesus die? Just for the elect? (Does this sound familiar? - 144,000) I don't believe so. My belief in God hasn't changed. I know many here don't believe and I'm trying to respect that. I'm not here to change anyone's belief or non-belief. But I do wonder how many people give up on God (because of pain) when it's the religion that one should give up on. Again, thanks. It does help.

  • frenchbabyface

    Stay with us AZARIA ... we're not that JW's anymore ... just kidding ... (and you'll find everything everywhere : good and bad)

    (there's a long time now I didn't took a real time to read in here) ... But obviously lots of people feel shunned ... true or not ? I don't know ... in your case I didn't read that much lately ... sometimes I think it is true (but it can just be a feeling - 11 answers is good !!!) ... Still I guess it is a question of friendship also, it takes time (some maybe got a special skill to be on track right then but, it is quiet rare) ... as you say you're here only from march ... And hey ... Vent ... as you can see it works !

    Take this and come back ...

    Corinne AKA FrenchBabyFace

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    Azaria - It sounds to me like whatever happened is a simple mis-understanding. Are you upset because you didn't get as many replies as you anticipated, or did people come out point blank and say you weren't welcome?

    If the former, then everybody else summed it up, threads get pushed back due to the number of members, some of us don't have time to read long posts all the time, etc. etc.

    From what I've seen, there have been a number of posts with little or no bearing on the JWs, and they get a lot of attention, people have a good laugh, and have fun.

    I think you should give us another chance. After all, I mistakenly thought somebody was accusing me of ripping ideas, but it turns out that was a mis-understanding. Now if I would've gotten mad and left, then I would've missed out. Don't make the same mistake.

  • seven006


    I don't know if you should completely look at people who do not look at the concept of god the same as you do as giving up on god. Some of us have just rejected the concept of a biblical or religious god. I know many like myself have taken the time to give the concept of god a lot of thought, study and research and have rejected the commonly accepted concept that is taught by the mainstream religions.

    I don't know if that is giving up or simply readjusting ones thinking on a geographical commonly accepted theory. As far as I am concerned, if there is a god and I try to be as good of person as I can be, then he, she, it, will understand. If there isn't a god then I figure the result will be the same. Either way, being good for the sake of being good is more honest then being good to try and cover your butt and try and please a possible god.

    Just my opinion.


  • one_ugly_time

    ((( azaria ))) -

    I don't have much time tonight but I wanted to take a minute to say hi. I am really new here myself and have noticed the difficulty in getting/keeping posts going. I even posted in a thread I started to ask how I celebrate that my thread made it to page 2. Never mind that 1/2 the posts are mine, cuz I keep replying trying keep the conversation going.

    Feel free to PM if you want. I will read through some of your posts to try to get to know you.

    I know it's discouraging to not be an "insider" and be able to get 100's of posts about nothing, but don't forget (which I do alot), silence is golden. By that I mean, the deeper, more thought provoking, more emotional posts usually get fewer responses. It touches a deep place that few are able to empathize with on a regular basis due to real life. I think that's ultimately why the fluff gets so much attention. It's pretty easy to throw some fluff out between meals, before work, on lunch hour, and so on. But there is only 1 or 2 nights a week I have the luxury of no distractions in order to reveal myself at the level required for most of the personal posts. The basic reason for me is, I still have a tendency to "fix" or debate or otherwise help solve, so it takes me extra effort to drop that part of me to listen with my heart when I read.

    And I will share with you a small statement I started with my teenage daughter to help our communication and help her through her depression due to teenage love. I told her (as in commanded her) that she will respond to me when I say "I Love You" to her. And her response is to be "I Love You too, but I Love Me More"... She laughed her head off, but started using that statement with everyone that said I Love You, including her abusive boyfriend. She finally pulled herself out of the situation. So, azaria, I just heard someone say "I Love You".

    Take care azaria -- And feel free to help out my thread. I will get back to it by Monday. This is all for tonight.

  • simplesally

    I just looked at your original thread that you referred to. I did see it. I did not respond because it was #1, very long. For me, its hard to read long threads at work and at home. I don't have that much time to dedicate all at once. Short and simple posts evoke responses to me. #2, I am unfamiliar with that Church you grew up in so (I noticed the response) I didn't feel I'd have much to contribute.

    For me, I try to stay in touch by glancing at the threads and if they are short, I can run through them and get a feel for what I want to say. If you want more responses, maybe tell your story throughout the thread and comment after every few posters.

  • simplesally

    And you know what, check out other people's responses to threads they've many times, its very few replies.

  • nilfun


    Hang in there. I know--- it hurts when one feels snubbed. I'm so sorry you feel ignored, but I honestly feel that this wasn't intentional. There are a lot of good people here. Sometimes a post doesn't get a response because the board moves so quickly, and as a result, it may be missed or over looked. Personally, my own struggle with depression sometimes keeps me from being more active on the board.

    I think there was a thread awhile back about how we actually feel a physical sensation (kick in the guts) of pain when we experience rejection. But please believe that you are not being rejected here. So many here have gone through the hurtful experience of shunning and would never want to turn around and inflict that kind of pain on a fellow human.

    I am sorry I missed your other thread.

    One_Ugly_Time's post was spot on. I hope you give the board another chance.

    take care

  • Mulan

    I'm sorry too. I didn't see it. Also, I can't possibly read them all and post too. Sometimes I read a thread and find that the replies have covered what I would have said, so I don't post for that reason.

    This time of year, time isn't as available as other times.

    I hope you stay with us.

  • Sassy

    azaria, an I understanding your last comment that your mom is a JW? were you raised a JW and then went to fill your void of a spiritual need and now have found that it too failed you?

    I know that I am scared to do. Afraid that although I have this need to find a path to God, dissolutioned I can find one.

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