Shunned twice today! How's it for you?

by ozziepost 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • SanFranciscoJim

    Since I've been out for 23 years and haven't seen most of them in that many years or longer, I sincerely doubt any of them would even recognize me (unless, of course, they've been browsing "apostate" websites on the internet).

  • GentlyFeral

    I've been shunned precisely once in the 8 years since I left. That's the only time I've run into JW's who knew me well enough to know they weren't supposed to talk to me.


  • Panda

    Actually, since my Da I don't remember being shunned. BEFORE my DA I was shunned by the elders families. That was after Nick stepped down. I guess it was all my fault so no one would talk to me. C'est le vie. I have since moved and have new friends who cannot understand how anyone would stop talking to me.

  • Momofmany

    I was never baptized, but my mother and brother were. I was studying. I stopped in September. In my house was my Grandfather, my mother, myself, and my children. My Grandpop died in October. In the whole congregation, only 2 people came to see my Mom.(she has been baptized since 1983, and has missed maybe 2 meetings the whole time she has been baptized. it cut her to the quick) It was her dad. My father died last October. So it was hard for my mom. The two that came, would not even say hello to me. So I just sat in the room and stared at them. More of disbelief than anything. Then today two women who go to my mom's congregation would not even look at me in the store.

    I don't get the whole shunning thing. My brother is inactive, and married that "evil girl"(non-jw) and is shunned. Mom never does though. I just don't get it. They look silly looking all over the place.

  • Richie

    I see the dubs once in a while. One sister, whom I occasionally see when shopping is always very friendly. She is cautious though when she happens to see me, but would speak to me anyways. Other than that, my policy is that whenever I see a dub, I go out of my way to greet them - mentioning their names and raising my voice slightly and appearing very happy to see them! That way you're trying to "shower" them with love and they are always embarrassed and greet me reluctantly as a result. You see, I am true Christian now - I have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour and what stops me from showing them a Christlike love? I see them as blinded and groping in the dark, always learning and never coming to an accurate knowledge of the truth.

    Richie :*)

  • Gretchen956

    I have been out over a dozen years and don't live anywhere near where I went to the KH. But I believe that you can only be shunned if you let them get away with it. They want you to be uncomfortable, they want you to feel bad. And, they feel uplifted by doing it. It vindicates them for being "righteous" since it may force you back into the fold....

    So, beat them to the punch! Rush up to them, throw your arms around them and give them a big wet juicy kiss! Say, I'm SO happy I ran into you today! I always wanted to let one of you people know what a huge favor you did by disfellowshipping me (or appropriate other comment)! I am so happy! Life is so good! Well you take care, tell everyone I said hello! And bustle off on your merry way!

    I think that would be a good way to put the shoe on the other foot, huh? They will be the ones feeling uncomfortable! Seriously though, all kidding aside, they are always so shocked when we are happy in our lives outside. It's inconceivable to them.


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