Shunned twice today! How's it for you?

by ozziepost 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G'day all,

    Engaging in the Xmas shopping rush is never boring when you've got shunners in the mall!

    Well, will they look up? Will they just stare? Will they perhaps smile? Or, God forbid that they should even say hello!

    So, this afternoon I got shunned twice and it got me thinking, how many times a week is the norm?

    Cut it out....I'm talking about shunning!

    So, here's a survey question for you:

    How many times a week is an ex-Dub shunned?

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • fran

    As many times as you allow it to happen,.....and don't be intimidated Christmas shopping,I worked in dept store and can tell you how many JWS compromise Christmas,celebrating one day early or one day later.they buy all the Christmas goodies and enjoy,but call it something else.

    one pioneer sister celebrated in October,saying this was when Jesus was born she would place Gifts at the foot of the bed.I also was invited to TURKEY DINNER.not Christmas but on Christmas day ???see how they bend the rules...

    Why not wish them merry Christmas next time they shun you....

  • shamus

    For me, zero. My family isn't in it, and my friends now don't give a shit except for one... to him I am an apostate... but other than that, that's that and that's that.

  • anglise

    Hi ozzie

    Usually see someone from one of the local congs every time we go out.

    Depends what mood I am in as to wether it upsets me. On Wed in the local DIY store I couldnt be bothered so pretended I hadnt seen them and was having a really involved and happy conversation with other half over new kitchen doors - as you do - when they walked past us, (other half hadnt seen them anyway).

    Another time I will be effusvie and greet them as though nothings changed.

    Some are OK and friendly, others are VERY uncomfortable but still talk - just. We havent had anyone actually totally ignore us if we have spoken first. Maybe we have that joy still to come.

    BTW we are not DA or DF.


  • Angharad

    I mostly laugh at them too. Especially the time an elder shunned me in the school car park, he was so determind to not look at me, he was walking along holding his head at a very strange angle and tripped up over the kerb of a flowerbed

    I'm not da'd or df'd either but I am married to the evil one

    I havent had the nerve to do it but there have been occasions that I wanted to go up to them and say' oh nicely shunned brother' !

    On the other hand there is one particular brother that I sometimes see, and he is always very friendly and sincere and we have a nice chat and that means alot. Especially one time when there were a couple of others present and they were very stand offish and uncomfortable but it didnt affect the way he spoke to me at all.

    I couldnt put a number on it because I can go for a couple of weeks and not see anyone, then see loads on one week !

  • Englishman


    I always get my shun in first.


  • Mutz

    I had a Dub ask me if I fancied a game of Snooker, so the shunning thing must be patchy at the moment.

  • JH

    I know who will shun me and who won't. I don't give them that satisfaction anymore. I just don't look at them so they can't shun me. Other people will do just the opposite and say hello, even though they know they will be shunned, just to make the shunner look stupid. Different tactics that work.

  • caspian

    Hmmmmmmmmmm..I know what you mean there Ozzie.

  • U.2.K. Tha Greate$t
    U.2.K. Tha Greate$t

    Can somebody here remind me when Jesus Christ was born, you know "his birthdate"? oh "I FORGOT" nobody knows when Jesus was born, that makes you a liar, and the last time i check, did'nt " THE MESSIAH SAY" that you must worship The father with "TRUTH". yep he sure did.

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