What have you forgotten you ever even knew?

by Simon 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    The mind is a complex thing. Many people feel that they've lived multiple lives over different places and decades. There's the saying 'if you don't use it you lose it' regarding skills, knowledge and abilities. Plus while the brain does have amazing function, the fact remains that there can only be a finite number of synapse connections. The JW concept of eternal human life is absurd.

  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot
    Simon I still remember the little ditty they taught us to remember the resistor color code and that was over 50 some years ago in high school electronics class. But it's not repeatable here. Teachers would get written up in the newspaper and probably fired for teaching it today.

    Was that the one that ends in " but Violet gives willingly"?


  • St George of England
    St George of England
    Was that the one that ends in " but Violet gives willingly"?

    ........But (Blue) Virgins (Violet) Go (Grey) Wisely (White) is the way I was taught. Interestingly, it was a black guy who first told me that one. I told him that it was racist and he just laughed.


  • SadElder

    Resolute.... that was indeed the ditty and one Bad Boys will likely remember.

  • Diogenesister

    When you get to live as long as I have that applies to practically every film I've ever watched and every book I've ever read😂. It's actually quite handy sometimes because I get to read them all over again....I usually figure out I've read it before around page 430🤦

    My kids are taking their GCSEs at the moment and I (attempt😂) to help them revise. It's amazing how it all comes flooding back - and just how much I'd forgotten, yet at the same time is still in my brain🤪

    It's also amazing how little the curriculum has changed in nearly 40 years!

  • Diogenesister
    Victor Neurons are always fighting for territory and those not used commit suicide.

    Hi Victor if they committ suicide, why does it all come back to us sometimes decades later?

    Iownmylife My grandson is 6 months old and it’s fun to sing to him. So there have been several mornings that i have waked with old songs playing in my head that were popular kid songs in the early 5os. Seems when you need to sing Did You Ever See A Lassie, it all comes back!

    It's so funny how that happens! My nursery songs came back to me when I had my boys, then I forgot them again and now I have a baby niece and nephew it all returns for the 3rd time around.

  • Phizzy

    It is weird what the brain does, it seems to park stuff in a deep vault until needed, though some things cannot be dragged up from that vault.

    The way the brain seems to work is that if IT decides you don't need that stuff anymore, it sends it to the Vault, or worse, takes an executive decision to erase it altogether !

    But long buried memories can be suddenly whooshed up from the vault by the strangest of things, recently I had this happen simply because of a smell ! Another thing that drags them back is meeting a long lost friend, who reminds you of many things you did, which had been in theory long forgotten by you.

    I had this a while ago, I met an old mate from my teens, and he reminded me of one occasion where we had been on the Beer all night, then went for a Curry, and then I, as he recalled , but I had forgotten, in a car full of guys, I dropped the worst Fart any of them had smelt in their life !

  • smiddy3

    The last place I worked at ,for 28 years, about 15 of us worked together and I can`t remember most of them ,and that was about 15 years ago when I retired.

  • Mum

    I can easily remember things that happened or that I learned in the 1950's, but what happened last week - forgotten!

  • Vidiot
    "What have you forgotten you ever even knew?"

    I dunno.

    I can't remember.

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