new situation in world helpful to org?

by Magnum 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Magnum

    Sometimes new situations can provide cover for one’s mistakes or intentions. For example, suppose that I crack the windshield in my dad’s car one night. I go home, park the car in its usual spot in the yard, and go to bed without telling my dad because I’m scared and I’m trying to think of a way out of the situation. That night, a big storm comes and blows the big old oak tree right over on Dad’s car and smashes it (including the windshield). Hallelujah!!! Now I’m free of my worries about the windshield!

    Some of us on this site have conjectured about a possibility that the org wants to transform into an e-religion and sell off Kingdom Halls. If the org does desire such, it might have feared the consequences of just outright doing it. However, the new situation in the world (virus) could perhaps give it an excuse for doing so.

    The org could present an argument such as the following: “The scene of the world is changing, we are deep in the time of the end, and Jehovah’s people will adapt. While Kingdom Halls have served a vast purpose in the past and we have appreciated Jehovah’s providing them, it seems that with the new world situation and newer technology, their purpose has been served. It seems much safer and more efficient for God’s people to use new means of receiving spiritual food and associating. Jehovah will provide direction as we transition into this new arrangement for worshipping him.”

    A transition to e-religion could take place and the org could sell off all Kingdom Halls. I believe it would be much harder than it already is to make converts because I believe the physical association at Kingdom Halls, etc. played a large part in making them. However, I’m not sure the org is really interested in making converts anymore. I think the higher-ups know the days of making converts are over or are nearing their end. I think the org is just in survival mode.

    I wonder whether in such a situation men would be motivated to become elders and ministerial servants because I think a lot of the motivation for becoming such is the prominence and glory and attention received at meetings by such ones. Younger or newer males see ministerial servants and elders giving talks, doing administrative stuff, etc., and they want to do such. How would that work in an e-religion? I don’t know. However, maybe the org is not really concerned about acquiring new appointed men, either.

    Anyway, I was just wondering whether this new situation is falling right into the org’s hands and providing cover for something it’s been wanting to do.

  • 2+2=5

    I think it’s highly possible they do something like that.

    They can preach the current situation as a warning, a taste of the coming tribulation, the governments are going to seize assets soon anyway according to their prophecy, unloading it all now will solve them problems.

    They can quote scriptures about god not living in temples, their faith being a living thing. Most of the sheep wouldn’t blink, they’d rather froth at the mouth as they’d see big changes in the org as a certain sign of imminent Armageddon.

    COVID-19 can be the WT org’s financial “Get out of jail free card”, I’ve got the feeling it might have to be.

  • OnTheWayOut

    The men in charge are mostly yes men brought in by previous G.B.. They are not only not inspired by Holy Spirit but are not really inspired in any way compared to the likes of Fred or Ray Franz or Russel or Rutherford.

    They are in charge at a horrible junction- the time where the internet easily exposes their doctrines and past as they try to reinvent themselves into jwdotorg and get away from Watchtower Bible and Tract printing company because print is nearly dead. Meanwhile, the exposure is creating lawsuits.

    So yeah, they could easily give up the Kingdom Halls. Recruiting is also dead anyway, so stealing the life force from their remnant is all they have left. That, and property.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous
    I think we've seen this train coming for a while. Many here have suggested this in the past. It makes sense, they probably have a few more billion tied up in real estate and running a website can be done with a dozen or so people and a handful of translators, it's not like they are anything special. You can run this organization without any collections for another decade or so if not longer. Just tell the plebs to buy a tablet or even better, sell them yourself.
  • nowwhat?
    Couldn't agree more.
  • Bill Covert
    Bill Covert

    Factor in that the virus has closed the court houses. When those court houses are opened there is going to be a huge amount of molestation law suites filed. That is going to real whiplash for the minds of the adherents. To liquidate Kingdom Halls is going to be very traumatic.

  • LongHairGal


    Yes, people have long suggested this and I agree that the virus/lockdown with Witnesses going online and using Zoom is a perfect excuse for the religion to sell more halls.

    But, I don’t think anybody has thought about the unintended consequences of there being few or almost no physical congregations to attend.. What about people who need ‘association’?..What about needy individuals in congregations looking for handouts?

    There really needs to be a physically present congregation and real live people for somebody with an envelope to beg money from..What about bethelites who got dumped AND what about the possible new bumper crop of more bethelites who might be let-go when the religion realizes it needs even fewer of them?

    You might say ‘well the elders can send texts and emails to people to cough up more money or ask who has extra rooms?’...Yes they could try that..but they’d get a lesser result compared to having members in person they can put on the spot.

    It is not that I am personally concerned about these people - No, not at all. It is just the sad fact that those who sacrificed so much are the ones who are going to suffer the most because of the incredible shrinking religion! The whole scenario just makes me SO glad I got out years ago.

  • smiddy3

    Seeing as they own all of these KH`s now what a gold mine they are sitting on to sell them off as need be.

    Think of all the $$$$ millions they could reap from around the world. ?

    As LHG says , "There really needs to be a physically present congregation and real live people for somebody with an envelope to beg money from"..

    Maybe they could re- introduce something like the midweek book study groups where people could meet in private houses in small groups to keep that social connection going . And where they could use Zoom or whatever else is available to keep up with JW.Org and the Governing body .

    And they could really say they are getting back to the way first century Christian meetings were held ,meeting in private homes encouraging one another as the day draws near.?

    I think the rank& file would lap it up .

    Letter writing and incidental witnessing could be encouraged to keep the sheep occupied and busy .the obituaries are there every day with a potential new convert wanting to see there loved one back in the New system of things,in Paradise .

  • joe134cd

    The org wouldn’t be silly enough to sanction meetings in homes. This is the main reason why the stopped the book study, as it was just to high of a risk. It is easier for a perpetrator to carry CSA in a private home than it is in a public building with few or no private areas. I’m sorry but I’m my opinion it just isn’t going to happen.

    If they have the long term view of becoming an e-religion, so as to free up their cash holdings in property. Now would be the time to do it. But I just can’t see this working either. There is nothing like face to face contact. This could speed the process up even more with people exciting, because of dissatisfaction.

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    I agree with what is being said but cults are all about control. As a E-religion how will they do that? How will they oversee offensives which warrants judicial committee? How about their shunning policy? Will there be elders that police the individual homes to make sure they are following the borgs teachings? Or will that all be desolved and it will be up to every household to rule over themselves?

    You can see the control the cult has will be diminished. What degree we can only guess but then again becoming a E-religion may be a easy way out for them and a new money source for them. Still Totally ADD

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