New User Hi Everyone

by jonnydangerous 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Angharad

    Welcome to the board Jonny !!

  • jonnydangerous

    Haha wow, thanks talk about a warm welcome!

    I'll try to answer everyone's questions from the top down...

    Diamond:: The Cow Palace is in San Francisco, CA. Pretty big place... had about 12,000 ppl there when i got dipped.... very nervous skinny 13 year old....

    Pope:: Ugh, God no I hate rugby....

    Joanna:: I keep having this underlying feeling that the WTS is run by a much darker, shadier organization.... so I'm on a quest to find something to link it up to.... maybe not... maybe thats just my own fantasy of finding some dark conspiracy LOL go figure.... but I really want to get my hands on those old "Thy Kingdom Come" books, I've read quotes from them about prophecies set for times in the 1800's and how J.F. Rutherford and company were pulling the dates from Egyptian numerology readings... but yea.. I really just wanna get those old manuscripts.... had a few at the hall but the really controversial ones (Volume 7 or 9 i think) were yanked once again... go figure

    Once again thanks for the warm welcome everyone. Blessings to all.

    -- Nny

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Greetings. There's no lack of entertainment here.

    Guest 77

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster
    I keep having this underlying feeling that the WTS is run by a much darker, shadier organization....

    You're gut instincts serve you well. You won't have to look hard to find topics about how the organization covers up for child molestors.

  • joannadandy


    If you go to the search feature here there have been plenty of threads about the pyramids, Russell and a connection to the Free Masons...if I recall correctly (I am probably not) a few people have made connections to the knights templar.

    The pyramid chronology had to be my favorite eye-opener.

    There are also some really great personal experiences posters have shared about 1975. More compelling stuff.

    Good luck in your quest--keep us posted when you find your link. My own personal opinion is that they aren't smart enough to be that sinister. I think personally they are a well meaning and completely misguided bunch of people who had nut-jobs found them. Therefore the nutjobs are still in the faith, and everyone else is working hard to try and cover their nut-job history, and the nut-jobs still within the ranks.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Howdy johnydangerous! Spill away my friend, that's what this place is for.

  • Nosferatu

    Hi Johnny! If you want more meat I suggest checking out and

    even my girlfriend is a JW..... sigh... I've told her my stance... I'm way more liberal when it comes to religion and spirituality than I was taught to be, and bless the Creator, she still loves me.

    There's a user on here named Gadget who went through one hell of an experience with his JW fiancee. You might want to check out his posts and what you might be in for, unless Gadget comments on this thread.

  • tink

    hi jonny!!! welcome to the forum from another former patron of the hideous Cow Palace!!!!


  • ChimChim

    Welcome to the board


  • DevonMcBride

    Hello and welcome.


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