New User Hi Everyone

by jonnydangerous 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • jonnydangerous

    Hello everyone,

    Kinda new to the forums, stumbled across this discussion board whilst researching the WT involvement with the UN as an NGO, laughed my head off when I found out they got booted cuz everyone gave em a bad rap (serv's em right)

    Anyway, been a "baptized" JW since 13 at the Cow Palace (now 20).... been a "questioning" JW since a few months after my "Baptism".... still hang around the JW's... heck I was brought up as one from a tot and all of my good friends are JW's... even my girlfriend is a JW..... sigh... I've told her my stance... I'm way more liberal when it comes to religion and spirituality than I was taught to be, and bless the Creator, she still loves me. But anyway I'm at a continuing crossroads, as far as staying or leaving.... I shan't be in this state of mind for much longer but I'm just trying to get good reasons to pack the bags.... if anyone has some "meat" for me to sink my teeth into pass it my way.

    haha, wow I'm spilling my guts and no one even knows me yet LOL

    -- Nny

  • Lost Diamond
    Lost Diamond


    I've been to the Cow Palace..but I can't remember where it's at. Is it in Colorado?


  • PopeOfEruke

    Welcome Jonny.

    Thats an unusual way to spell your name; you're not a fan of the England Rugby team are you??? God I hope not.....

    Welcome to the forum. I never heard of a cow palace but it seems like the people who built it maybe repressed golden calf worshippers....

    There's tons of info here about all the JW deceit. I think the funniest at the moment is that the literature offer for December in some places is some old crappy book which still teaches the "generation of 1914" lie. What a joke!!! But as long as it sells I guess.............lets just hope its the start of the "going-out-of-business" sale....

    Anyway please stick around, and I hope things work out for you.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Hi Jonny... WELCOME. Stick around.... you're kind of getting into the "quiet" hours now. Learn how to us the search function above and you'll retrieve masses of info. Good luck.

  • joannadandy

    First off--Welcome!

    I love a good gut-spillin!

    Now...What would you like to sink your teeth into?

    The United Nations was a good place to start...there are lots of things, and lots of reasons why people got fed up with the JW faith and walked're pretty much going to have to figure out your own reasons.

    My own insights and reason why I left: I studied other religions, I didn't think the JW's could claim to be special or have a monopoly on God, I didn't like the game of favorites I saw being played out time and again, I didn't like the strict interpretation of rules that were supposed to be left to the individual to decide but never were.

    Those were my reasons...what has you questioning, and digging?

  • FlyingHighNow

    Big Welcome Jonny!

    Read Crisis Of Conscience by Ray Franz. You'll get plenty of meaty reasons to leave. The Mexico/Malawi thing is reason enough to leave the WTBTS in your dust.

    Stick around. You might learn something.


  • avishai

    Welcome, I live up in Chico.

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    Hi Jonny. I'm glad you found us, because a lot of people here can tell you stories and offer evidence as to why you should leave.

    For me, I got sick of the stuck up "we're better than everyone else" the witnesses seem to exude. Also, I think they are too black and white as far as their thinking is concerned.

    Remember, you have free will. Your friends, family, and girlfriend have no right to force you to continue to be a JW if you have serious doubts. These people purport to be the truth, yet they have made serious errors concerning the end day. Think about it, would a group of men led by Jesus himself make such errors? Their doctrine just doesn't add up Jonny.

    Either way, best wishes whichever way you go.

  • shamus

    Welcome to the forum!

  • greven

    Hi Jonny and welcome to the forum!

    I am in sorta the same state as you are. I started doubting at around age 12, not only about the WTS interpretations and reasonings also about the bible itself. I got babtised at 18 still doubting. Finally I could hold it no longer and wanted answers. That's how my research started. I began reading the old books from the cong. library and comparing that with recent information about the period. What I read and found baffled me. I am currently inactive and am trying to let my parents and sister see the truth behind the Truth(tm).

    So you want something to sink you teeth in? A good place to start is this site contains a lot of well researched articles on a lot of topics so take your pick! Also check out the link section from this forum!

    Welcome again, and enjoy your stay!


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