Need help identifying a book

by oncebitten 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • oncebitten

    Hello all.

    I could use some help identifying the title of a WT book that I read back in the early 90's. It was an older book when I read it. I wish that I could recall more than i do. I think I tried to forget it. haha

    It was green not a dark green though. It was not very thick like the Insight books were. It was maybe an inch thick.It's the book that once I read only part of it I deciced that I would not be baptized as Jw. The elders wife who gave to me to red was at her last hopes of converting me and thought maybe this old book would help. Backfire! She was born in back in the 30's so she had plently of old books. This had some wt history in it. It was not one of the books that I ever saw growing up around WT books in the 70s. It was older than that.

    What I recall that it covered

    1. Russell selling miracle wheat

    2. pyramid measuring

    3. some went to jail

    I know it's not much info but anyone know the title?

    Thanks in advance!

  • Jeffro
  • Jeffro

    What’s with morons inexplicably putting downvotes on completely uncontroversial replies on this forum? 🤣

  • NotFormer

    The trouble with downvoting is that it doesn't come with any explanation as to why. Hopefully someone just clicked the wrong button in this case. 😳

  • was a new boy
  • slimboyfat

    Lois and Tom, I remember it well. I read it as a new JW in the 1990s and thought it was great!

  • dropoffyourkeylee
    Most likely the Divine Purpose book, as already stated. It has some use now in giving the modern reader insight into the mindset of the JW apologists of the 1950’s. It was their first elaborate attempt at rewriting the JW history, while distancing themselves from the ‘evil slave’ of the time period, ie the Bible Student groups.
  • vienne


    I'm responible. It was meant as an up vote. I've repaired the error

  • SadElder

    Published in 1959. It had a folksy narrative weaved throughout to cover some dub history.

  • Jeffro


    Jeff, I'm responible. It was meant as an up vote. I've repaired the error

    Fair enough. Though it's not the first time, I (and others) have inexplicably had entirely reasonable comments downvoted, and it's usually not just an innocent mistake.

    You are formally excluded from the 'moron' category. 😂

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