And so it begins

by Yerusalyim 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • Aztec

    Damnit I want Mikey and Robyn to hold me......



  • MegaDude

    Gay polygamous Mormons. That will make Yeru's hair fall out.

  • Aztec

    (((((((((( Badger))))))))

    Love ya!


  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Oh my Yeru that's a huge leap you've made there.

    One thing I find interesting about homophobes is that the worst of them will bug a woman for oral or anal. Excuse me.....gasp..... isn't that gay????

  • Panda

    Well, I say if we will have polygamy we should also have polyandry (which is still practiced in Tibet despite the government trying to suppress tribal traditions)

    Yeru is a nice guy don't start name calling and person bashing. I recall that Green had married 2 stepdaughters --- both underage, so that's rape and child abuse.

    SFJim, I know what you mean. I recently had to explain to a friends religious uncle that NAMBLA is not homosexual it's child molesting-sick-bastards. People really ought to check out the meaning of words before they ramble. Good grief people, I grew up around homosexuals and they aren't the ones who molested me. Nope it was my heterosexual brother in the Navy!

    edited to add:Stacy, I've asked men about the oral/ anal sex thing and wasn't that homosexual...never have gotten a good answer for that, and we probably never will. So really if men want oral sex does that mean they are not satisfied by vaginal intercourse. Also I've noticed only a few men are any good at oral sex performed on their partner... what's the deal?

  • outbutnotdown

    I personally believe that consenting adults should be allowed to choose their own partners, without any undue influence from other parties.

    Speaking of that...... Stacy, you are a real cutie..........

  • ballistic

    OMG, How on earth can anyone make a connection between oral sex and being gay!!! Just ask any woman I have been out with!!!

    I mean are you saying that every single woman I have been with was a lesbian. DAMN!

  • Valis
    So really if men want oral sex does that mean they are not satisfied by vaginal intercourse.

    um yeah! *LOL*

    Also I've noticed only a few men are any good at oral sex performed on their partner... what's the deal?

    not enough practice I would imagine...


    District Overbeer

  • RandomTask

    Come on, oral sex is at best bisexual!

  • Valis

    RT...I would never buy that kind of sex...


    District Overbeer of the "Um Except In Las Vegas" class

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