My Story******Short Version!

by think41self 57 Replies latest jw experiences

  • peaceloveharmony


    thank you for the kind words! my happiness is directly related to the happiness i feel around me, you a such a positive person too! and i thank you for that and all your smiles and hugs. (dana too! you both are so lucky to have each others as sisters) i so enjoy the time we spend together in chat. i love playing with you too (and we can't forget the guys! woohoo ).

    okay, before i get all emotional, i will sign off. love you! ((((((tracy)))))) and a hug for all my great friends here ((((((((((group grope)))))))))))

    see you in chat babe!


    "If God has spoken, why is the world not convinced?"
    ..........Percy Bysshe Shelley, English poet (1792-1822)

  • think41self


    You are such a sweet person. And how someone who was raised in the borg has acquired such honesty at a relatively young age, is a miracle! You are on my list of the top 5 people from this board that I would like to meet in if I am offered an opportunity.. I am coming to see ya girl!! Your town may never be the same!


  • safe4kids


    I wanted to bring this back up to the top so that new folks could read it and take some comfort in your experiences...
    Also, one of the things that you didn't mention in your story and that I think is so powerful is the stand you took on the blood issue. I hope you don't mind if I share it here. I want people to know what a strong and courageous and faithful witness you were.

    After Tracy had her second son, she had an operation to have her tubes tied. She began hemorrhaging and had to be rushed to the hospital where she and her husband were told that she would die without blood. At this point in time, my sister had two who was roughly a year old and one only 2 or 3 months old. She held to the witness prohibition against blood and we nearly lost her. This was one of the darkest times in my fear for my sister was so incredibly great. However, she managed to pull through and recovered quickly. (I'm glossing this over a bit folks). Tracy was always one of those people and one of those witnesses who ALWAYS did the right thing (according to WTS teachings). For so long, she faithfully followed 'Jehovah's' way and yet he either didn't listen or didn't care. This was a person who LITERALLY would have sacrificed her life for God and yet...well, draw your own conclusions as to what it brought her.
    I have immense love and respect for my sister; she is one of the strongest people I know. And for those who still believe that leaving the organization leads one to a life of debauchery and immorality, I am here to tell you that there are very few people inside or outside of the Borg with the moral fortitude that Tracy has.

    I love ya sis....


    "Someday we'll find it...the rainbow connection...the lovers, the dreamers and me"

    Kermit the Frog
    "Rainbow Connection"

  • Tina

    I'm just poppin in here to give a few hugs to the strongest most awesome women in the world! And privileged to call my friends...thank you for sharing so much of yourselves.....I learn so muc from good resilient people here(((((((((((danbel,tracebel,harmabel and so many others)))))))))I luv yas lots! Tina

    Ps I have 3 sisters-none of them bother with me. But that's Ok sisters are where ya find em,(I get teary when I see the love between trace and dana) always in awe when I see real love.T

  • Tina

    yanno I don't reveal a whole lot about my experiences. But thought maybe I could come here and say I'm not having a very good day today.
    yanno just when you think you're pretty strong,along comes a post or issues that smack ya in the face and knocks you down a bit.
    I read Max's post in Kismets thread,and it hit me very hard.(re:lori)
    You see,I'm one of those who if you meet me and Im wearing shortsleeves,you can't help but notice all the pale scars running up and down both arms.
    Like I told Max,I dont speak of it often. I always want to be 'taken' for what I am today. Not for what happened to me years ago. But you never forget. And even tho its not WT related,it's so horribly pervasive in our society. And sometimes it comes back. I dunno. Just rambling like I usually do :>
    Thanks for listening.Luv you all! Tina who is not always so strong and freely admits it.

  • peaceloveharmony


    i love you! you are the big sister i should have had! like you, i have a "fleshly" sister, who wants nothing to do with me. but when i come here, i feel like i've got many many sisters, ones who actually want me in their lives.

    ladies, thank you all for sharing a bit of yourselves here. i truly appreciate. (((((hugs to all))))


  • Tina

    ((((((harmebel))))))))thank you sweetie. I can always count on you for a smile and a hug. And it was needed today.

    Now I'm no that finger-pointing type of big sis lol.
    I'm the type that'll ask,'Can I borrow your nose-ring?' lol but you know that.luv ya Tina

  • safe4kids


    You guys HAVE to know that I love both of you and so does Tracy. You both inspire me with your posts. Your strength, your compassion, your cheerfulness, your fire and passion...I could go on and on. Tina, thank you for sharing yourself with us...and I feel so much the way you do. I want to be thought of for who I am right now, not what happened to me in the past. There are so many women of courage and you know when you say that you aren't feeling strong today, I can relate so much to that. That takes a certain amount of courage all on it's own...I love ya girl!!!

    Dana (typing through misty eyes too)

    "Someday we'll find it...the rainbow connection...the lovers, the dreamers and me"

    Kermit the Frog
    "Rainbow Connection"

  • safe4kids


    There are sisters from our families of origin and then there are sisters of spirit...I feel like you and Tina both are my sisters in spirit (as are a few others). And since I DO have an awesome real sister, I know what I'm talking about!!

    Some day we will all have to have a sister's would be way coooooool, doncha think??

    Love ya lots,
    Dana (thinking how awesome it is to pick her 'family' from the cream of the crop)

    "Someday we'll find it...the rainbow connection...the lovers, the dreamers and me"

    Kermit the Frog
    "Rainbow Connection"

  • Tina

    I feel the same way about you and Trace too!
    Yep sisters in spirit,beautiful way to put it. And as you said there are other kindred spirit sisters too.
    I'm gonna save this thread,cuz I've drawn so much strength form the stories on it.

    Yanno what,my ideal sisterfest would be getting together at a nice hotel,with a pool,,,,,(no cooking cleaning ,work, kids etcetc) and who of us doesnt need or deserve a break? (even if it's just 1 overnighter) And just being able to focus on being together,learning and sharing and of course having FUN FUN FUN.

    After this awful dental thing Im going thru right now,I'd like to try to organize something.(I look like an Appalachian nitwit right now-HATE IT,can't wait to finish this crap lol) Any tips suggestions anything anything??? lol We put our heads together ,it can be an awesome experience. Something to remember.danebl thank you sweetie for the beautiful words.
    LUv Luv Luv To yas Tina

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