My Story******Short Version!

by think41self 57 Replies latest jw experiences

  • bonnie38

    Thank you for sharing. When I was a JW, I also felt that God did not accept anything I did as good enough. For years I felt that I was a bad person (feelings that I sometimes still have), and that I could never measure up. Now that I'm out, I am much happier.
    I'm glad that you have found such happiness.
    Bonnie, aka Michelle

  • think41self

    Bonnie Michelle,

    Thank you for your positive words. I hope you are totally purging those feelings of not being good enough! Healthy self esteem is the key to real happiness, IMHO.

    I am glad you too are enjoying your freedom. I greatly look forward to hearing more from you and getting to know you better.


  • troucul

    enjoyed your story, think. at one point in my life i didn't think happy endings were possible outside the borg. mind if i share mine now?

    i'm hittin' 30 in sept., and was brought up a dubba as well. dad took the lead (was a well respected elder for years, and had a brain to boot!) everyone always approached him with their problems, which took time away from us. anywho, during high school my parents took us a couple times to tour bethel to try and encourage me to go their after high school. actually discouraged me. but i digress. during that time my older brother had been df'd. being 15 and not knowing anything else, i was crushed. i remember crying all night after i found out. he left the day before the announcement and i would see him only twice in the next 10 years.

    after i left high school, i fell in love with my wife. at the time, i didn't think it was possible the borg was responsible for conflicts in my marriage. had to be the responsible "christian husband". being young and newly married was difficult to say the least. 6 years and two kids later i find my self separated and on my own. elders were hunting me down to find out what happened between me and my wife. i guess you could say i was on the

    i began thinking and reevaluating my beliefs. finally got the cohones and called my brother after ten years. boy, was he happy to hear from went to visit him in ut the following february.
    wow was it fun. parents were kinda disappointed in me for going. i never discussed it with them as i knew what would happen.

    getting back to me and my wife...i had a feeling we needed to go through with the divorce.(if you love something set it free.... i reasoned)at first it was mutual, then she started getting second thoughts. no matter, i thought. shortly after we divorced, i got a dwi. having no one to turn to i turned to my ex-wife. she bailed me out and backed me up all the way through my court dates and what not.

    the elders finally got a hold of us and had a couple meetings with us.
    being spiritually confused and not yet willing to say the hell with it, i said what i needed to say and wound up being privately reproved. my wife was publicly reproved after being told it would not be announced.(f'ing liars!!!!!)

    i moved in w/my parents and after i was arrested, the elders in my old congregation sent the newspaper clipping to the elders in my new congregation.(seemed to me they were upset they couldn't "get me" the first time) it was at that time i decided to get the hell out. i could see that my mom was sad when i told her i was moving three states away. i quit both my jobs and moved out. shortly thereafter, my ex-wife and two kids followed me. needless to say, after lengthy court-ordered counseling (from my dwi charge) i was able to reconcile everything. my ex-wife became my wife again, and we just bought a house(old one which needs alot of work). started school full -time last year, and i gotta say,i'm the happiest i've ever been.

    that's me in a nut shell!!!!

    je pense, donc, je suis

  • think41self

    Hi Troucul,

    Thank you soooo much for sharing your happy story! I love those.

    That is quite a story about the elders in your old cong. sending the newspaper clipping to your new cong...and there are those who swear they don't hunt you down! Now who is fooling who?

    I am so happy you and your wife were able to get counseling and work out your differences...I'll bet your kids were absolutely thrilled.

    But it was just as cool you getting back with your brother and re-establishing a relationship with him. Getting out of that state and starting over somewhere was probably a very smart move. I wish you and your family all the happiness there is.

    P.S. Is it true your name in French means "asshole"? ROFLMAO


  • troucul

    that's affirmative....literally it's "hole of the ass" a french major in college...see where it's takin me? to chat soon

    je pense, donc, je suis

  • safe4kids

    Hey Tracy,

    (((((((((((((Tracy))))))))))))) know, you are an awesome gal and I'm so very glad that you are my sister (what else did you want me to say about you here?) Oh yeah, and Doug is a cool dude too!

    All kidding aside sis, you know I love you and you and Doug are both an inspiration to me....
    Thanks for sharing your of these days, I may summon the courage to post mine.


    "A single event can awaken within us a stranger totally unknown to us. To live is to be slowly born."
    Antoine de Saint-Exupery

  • bonnie38

    I'm so glad your story is a happy one. I hope you are very successful in school. For the last few years I've been thinking about going back to school for French (I'm currently a nurse. But that's another story). I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts.

  • outnfree

    Wow! Troucul! I think I'm renaming you TooCool!

    I am SO happy to read that you and your [ex-]wife are back together and that the kids have their daddy back!

    Since it appears we have several francophiles here, perhaps you and Bonnie38 would be interested in reading the French H20 which is run by Chasson.

    I'll try to find the link and post it later. Sometimes there are very interesting news articles and links to court decisions as well.
    It's good practice!

    I'm thinking of going to college, too, Bonnie Michelle! Not sure what I'd take as a major, though. (Same problem I had when I was actually college age!)

    I am sorry you are going through so much right now. You seem to have a very positive attitude. Your story (and pearljan's) has motivated me to discuss organ donation with my family. Thanks for sharing.

    I just LOVE this place, don't you?


  • troucul

    story doesn't end there though. kind of an ongoing drama dad, who was an elder for years resigned about six months ago and stopped going about 4 months ago. had to drag himself to the memorial. just burned out. what's funny is that's going through our old cong. like wildfire. an older woman (i can't call them my bro's and sis's now) was concerned 'cause my parents are "distancing themselves"...all i know is my dad used to have migraines all the time. hardly any now. i wonder why? (note the sarcasm) anywho, he seems to be enjoying life alot more now. a woman they used to study with years back called my dad up out of the blue and wanted to know "what's up?" everyone's so "concerned". bullshit.anyway, i'm dying to know myself what his exact reasons are for leaving. i'm sure he's seen alot in the 20 years he was an elder.

    that's it for now i guess, peace out.

    je pense, donc, je suis

  • think41self


    Sister of my heart.

    Thank you for your kind words...but if anyone has been an inspiration it is you. When we were younger, I thought I would always need to keep an eye on you and watch out for you. You have grown so much, especially in the last few years...that you don't NEED anyone girl! And that is a good place to be, eh?

    Post your story when you feel the urge...I am sure it will be well received. In the interim...come and pick up your son, he is driving me crazy! Just kidding, he is a doll, and he can just live with me now, ok? What's one more boy around here? It is already testosterone he will fit right in.


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