My Story******Short Version!

by think41self 57 Replies latest jw experiences

  • LadyBug


    Thank you for sharing your life experience. You have come through a lot of pain. But you have found peace at last with a wonderful husband.

    You a "slightly self righteous witness, miss goody goody" ... the sort that urked me, lol. Glad you've changed.

    And I'm happy to call you my friend.

    Love Bugeyes wife
    can't use real name - incognito

  • think41self

    (((((((((Bugeye's Wife, Miss Incognito))))))))))))))

    LOL....yes, I was a despicable self righteous prig! But there was still kindness in my heart!

    I too am glad that I out grew that...I was missing out on so much in life! And all it took was some pain and suffering in my own adult life to help me realize it...hey, what's a little pain, eh?

    Seriously said in another thread that you would like to have a sister like me(now that I am converted, ). That is the wonderful thing about this board, I feel I have made more friends here, true friends, than I EVER did at a Kingdom Hall.

    So BEW, consider yourself adopted...Sister of my Heart

    I greatly look forward to getting to know you and your wonderful family better. You are married to a gentle soul, I think, and you two sound like you were meant to be together.


  • esther

    Tracy, thanks for telling your story. You have overcome a lot to gain your present happiness. Long may it continue. It is really good that you have and Doug have each other, and Dana and her family, too.

    It's strange, isn't it, that a lot of pain and unhappiness is caused by this religion, but it takes a while to realise where that pain is coming from? It has been nice 'talking' to you in chat.

    Troucul, it is nice to 'meet' you. Thank you for your story.



  • LadyBug

    Ohhhhhhh Tracey ... thannnkkk you

    Hey everyone I'm officially adopted.

    The pain bit ... well I don't know about that bit

    And I also feel like "I have made more friends here, true friends, than I EVER did at a Kingdom Hall.". And you know the amazing thing is that you may not like the things some say in their posts, and even wonder how they can say some of the things they do, but you can go into chat and have a great time with them anyway. I love it!

    You can be yourself, say what you want (within reason of course) don't want to hurt anyones 'peelings'. And have a great time. Thank you everyone.

    We look forward to "getting to know you and your wonderful family better." too.

    And yes I am "married to a gentle soul," and we were definitely "meant to be together." As well as everything else, we're soul mates.

    Like you with Doug I got a good one.

    With love to my sis.

  • think41self


    You found your soul mate, as I did.

    Well, Dana told me last night that if I ever let Doug get away, she will personally come over and "bitch slap" me, so I think I will keep him. Knowing him has helped her learn what real men are like, and restored her faith in them a little bit, I think.

    So, tallyho the fox! (don't know why I said that)


  • peaceloveharmony

    tracy! *HUGS*

    thank you for sharing your story! it's been great getting to know you in chat. it boggles my mind how many great and wonderful people i've met here at this board. such an amazing thing, imo. anyway...thanks again for sharing. glad you have found your true love (Hi Freepeace) talk to you soon!


    "Power doesn't mean you're acting like a man, or you're a bully or a bitch. It's that you don't let people step on you"
    -Sharon Monplaisir

  • troucul

    hey bonnie

    whatcha gonna do with a french major? teach? traduiseur? je vais enseigner quand je grandis

    je pense, donc, je suis

  • think41self


    It's about time you made it over here to read my story! Some friend you are.

    Thanks for your kind words, sweetie. I am happy also that I found a person to really share my life with...a sweet surprise I had given up on. And the friends I have made on this board...oh my...such dear ones. I will never forget some of the experiences that have been shared here. You, Harmony, are one of the most positive ones on this board, and for that I thank you.

    And I LOVE playing with you in chat...especially when you've had a few to drink...wooohoooo party girl!

    Luv ya Mony


    pssst: Troucul, you & Bonnie need to get a room?

  • troucul

    ooh la la

    je pense, donc, je suis

  • think41self


    I have NO idea what you just said. Should I or Bonnie be blushing right about now?


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