Kneel before me, for I am an ... Activist!

by Simon 32 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • blondie

    I agree, Biahi, I do the same help when I can when the individual opportunity comes up. I refer even exjws to the site because it is kept up to date on "current" WT teaching and uses the WTS own words to hang them. I like to tell non-jws just one point and keep it brief, and if they ask further questions then, I do what I can and keep to things that can be validated by what the WTS has written and said. Good job, Biahi!

  • Lee Marsh
    Lee Marsh

    Listener said:

    The Miriam Webster dictionary states

    : one who advocates or practices activism : a person who uses or supports strong actions (such as public protests) in support of or opposition to one side of a controversial issue

    I don't know but over the years here I have seen many strong protests (written, of course) that protest the actions, inactions, beliefs and practices of Jehovah's Witnesses. I have done it myself. I don't have to be rude or obnoxious about it. But I can clearly and calmly voice my opinion and that is in itself a protest.

    Doesn't this site protest the same things? Of course it does. Actions do not need to be violent or loud, in person or in video to show protest.

    And while I don't approve of some of the attacks on JWs that happen online they most definitely are protesting what a JW believes.

    In reality we are all activists. The degree to which we do that may differ but the purpose is the same - to show we do not agree. And we do that actively. by text. or video or in action out there somewhere.

    They branded us apostates. Yup we are. We left their set of beliefs for whatever we have or may adopt in the future. Heck many JWs who left their original set of beliefs became apostate to those beliefs when they joined the JWs. Now we are proud apostates.

    Well I am a proud activist. That doesn't mean I have lost my moral ground. I have not become a raving, lunatic. My activism is very much like my apostacy, calm, reasoned, moral and ethical.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    well said Lee.

  • Diogenesister
    Lloyd coined the phrase "aggressive activism" and included public protests in this term. He did this to distinguish his type of activism as being acceptable as opposed to actions of other JWs as being unacceptable. However, what he is doing as opposed to other activists fall under the same definition

    Activism? Lloyd Evans doesn't look very "active". I think it's an excuse to sit on his bum being a keyboard warrior.

    When I was young we used to call it being a "protestor". It was something you did because Hou felt passionate about something and never involved financial gain - in fact usually involved a loss.

    Some protests have been incredibly successful. Against apartheid, for instance. Against huge companies polluting the environment or dumping waste chemicals which cause deformaties in newborns.

    Most effective campaigns involve a combination of written documents - such as petitions - and activities requiring a physical presence - such as marches or, for example, picketing the South African embassy.

    Lloyd labeling protests as aggressive/regressive was just another attempt to shut down the competition. Grotesque.

  • GLTirebiter

    These days, the word "Activist" is often associated with "end justifies the means" actions. For that reason, I avoid using it when I don't intend to make that implication.

  • punkofnice

    Speaking for myself, when I first discovered the WBT$ was nothing more than a cult, I was fairly active. I still had the JW mind-set. Bifurcated thinking. I thought the GB were Apostates(tm) in the JW meaning of the word.

    Then I saw them as a greedy corporation pretending to be a religion for the benefit of paedophiles and the GB. Make of that what you will.

    Then I turned Christian and was still seeing the Jobots in 'scriptural(tm)' terms. this is hellishly confusing.

    Then I became a staunch atheist and felt that all religions are frauds. I hate seeing people quote scripture to prove the GB wrong because it's all nonsense. Why not quote from the Quran? That's just as believable as the Bible.

    Right now, I have relaxed my stance and admit that I have no idea what's out there. 'What is truth?' I know it isn't the watchtower.

    So now, I am not active in anyway because it seems pointless. I know some will disagree.

    I think I have kind of mingled into mainstream society at long last.

    All I want now is a rich widow and I'm set!

  • Mum

    I entirely approve of activism to bring about racial equality, a decent standard of living, saving the earth, etc. I don't frown on ex-JW activism because some people are actually helped by it. I entirely agree with the definition of activism put forth by Lee Marsh. I believe some activism is necessary and can lead to positive change.

  • LongHairGal


    I always thought ‘apostate’ was a silly word since religions use it to point the finger at each other.

    Well, I was an ‘apostate’ when I stepped outside of the Catholic religion and made the mistake of getting involved with the Witnesses. But, I rectified this error when I walked away from the JWs about 21 years ago. I’m done with religion though and would never again get involved with any church, movement or whatever.

    While I certainly wouldn’t consider myself an ‘activist’, I am grateful for those who are. Certain things about the Witnesses need to be exposed. They can’t just continue to be seen as simply a ‘benign’ group who go knocking on doors. There is MUCH more to them than meets the eye..This fallacy has to go.

    For one thing: Millions of people over the decades who never got decent jobs and hit retirement age with no preparation??? For what?? So, they can be a drain on the system and practically be panhandlers?? This is disgraceful. I don’t even need to get into the other very long list of reasons!

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    Longhairgal--i dont agree with you saying your not an activist. You are a very prolific poster on here--and youre hardly pro watchtower--are you ? How many jw's read your posts when they lurk on here ?

    I'm sure your posts--your life experiences --make a lot of readers stop and think. Far more effective than holding up a placard outside an assembly.

  • LongHairGal


    I never thought of it that way when I related my life experiences in the JW religion. I guess by that explanation everybody here is then 😊.

    My posts mostly relate to the experiences of a single working woman in the religion and there aren’t that many of them - or at least I haven’t seen many on here.. Wow, what a hard life lesson I learned in that religion and I’m glad I got out!

    I think people who are ‘real’ activists would be more ‘active’. I don’t have a desire for that and, of course, I like to think that someday I will put all thoughts JW behind me. But, I suppose I will always have an opinion on certain things.

    ..I think there’s enough activists around at this point and anybody who has questions about the religion has many resources today!

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