Help! Please! My sister finds loophole...

by FlyingHighNow 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wolfgirl
    My sister told me she and the elders think that I am mentally ill.

    Lovely. Glad she has such a loving, caring attitude.

    I tried to remind my sister of all the good times. I got emotionally blackmailed for my trouble. 'If you'd come back, we could be friends again.' That sort of thing.

  • wednesday

    i just wanted to let u now heather, that when i open this thread, it is opening my Outlook express and an email adress is coming up. I won't put that address on the board, but i sent u a PM.

  • Wolfgirl

    Does the same for me.

  • ChimChim

    ((flying high now))

    Sorry to hear that!


  • FlyingHighNow

    For those who are getting Outlook Express, it has something to do with Michael archangel01's post.

    Thank you, Michael. I am wondering about the scriptures that are used to justify disfellowshipping people. Someone said something about treating sinners as the tax collectors. One of the apostles was a tax collector. Thank you for your offer of help. I'll let you know if there are any sciptural points she brings up that I need to address. I'm not sure she will give me that chance, though.

    Thankyou, Chim Chim. You look so much like your mom, a real compliment by the way.

    Maverick, now that I am calming down I am beginning to think if I err then I should err on the side of unconditional love. Thank you for your suggestion. The reason I edited my original post is because I love my sister dearly and I didn't want my post to sound overly harsh in her direction.

    Wolfgirl, I will hope that your sister wakes up. And if she isn't to wake up, I hope she will at least not write you any more mean e-mails. I think sometimes that those still in, even the most loyal, know in the deepest recesses of their hearts and minds the gov bod is not God's mediator. I think those still in are not always aware of the burning jealousy they feel towards those of us who have the courage to leave and fly away to freedom.

    Thank you everyone, even those of you just reading and feeling fellow feeling but feeling what you could offer has already been said. I feel your concern.



  • ChimChim
    Thankyou, Chim Chim. You look so much like your mom, a real compliment by the way.


    and Thank-You


  • Mr Ben
    Mr Ben


    I haven't been around here for some time, so hello all, once again.

    Sorry about your troubles Heather. I totally agree with Maverick. Why? 1. Love. & 2, you said,

    "You're right, she is the one allowing their rules to govern her relationship with me. I personally don't give a flying fig about their rules. Thank you."

    I disagree, she isn't the one allowing the rules to govern her. Her cult personality, which is not her authentic personality, is the one allowing this. You can still help your sister to mentally escape, but you must keep the door of communication open. When you get a chance to, read, "Releasing the Bonds" by Steven Hassan. Steve is now a psychologist & cult exit councillor & seems like a nice bloke, but when he was an elder in the Moonies, at one point he considered strangling his dad for trying to free him from the cult. His cult personality wasn't so nice. You also said your sister changed when she became a JW.

    The best way to help your loved ones, and hit the WTS where it hurts, is to help your loved ones get out!

    Good luck & best wishes.

    Mr Ben

  • Eyebrow2

    This is a tough one...but I would have to say forward your number and see if she calls you.

    The reason is the nephew....if it were me I would want to know. And, while I think it is stupid that she is shunning you in this manner, I understand why she is. It is sad, but you have to decide if you can take talking to her on these terms.

    If it were me, I would want to talk to her...



    The jws are an insane religion of control and fear ... and I'm really sorry that your sis-in-law is being so rigid and afraid... It is a dub fact of life, though...I lost two kids to that insane religion...


  • FlyingHighNow

    MR. Ben, good points. Thank you.

    Eyebrow and Estee, thank you so much for your ideas.

    Most of all I want to thank everybody for your empathy. You have all given me blocks to buidl a solution to this problem with.

    Hugs to all of you.



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