What is the Purpose of this Site - My personal opinion?

by jst2laws 112 Replies latest jw friends

  • animal

    In a sentence..... what IS the purpose?


  • Cassiline
    In a sentence..... what IS the purpose?


    Does it have to be a complete sentence, a run on sentence or just a sentence? I could tell you but then I would have to kill you. Cassi

  • animal

    Are you following me around today?

  • Cassiline
    Are you following me around today?


    I posted to this thread the other day and had forgotten about it until wating brought it back to the top.

    Cassi, stalker class

  • animal

    At least your a chick...

    Do these jeans make my ass look fat?

    Animal :)

  • ApagaLaLuz

    I think those jeans make you look like a sexy beast animal :)

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith
    As for politics? Sheesh, Stacy - I think you have a cheek to be honest. I've been saying ad-nauseum that people can discuss politics as long as they keep it civil. Don't complain about politics being allowed if you can't do this and I have as much right to take part in any discussion or to express my opinions as anyone else does.


    *using civil voice along with a smile*

    You aren't balanced with politics and neither am I. That said I honestly feel that I've been given more insults than I've handed out. Yet in the recent little political war only those on the right side of the political spectrum were handed out punishments. Neither side kept it civil.

    I was answering Steve as honestly as I can. I feel that politics on this particular site is a mistake. It brings out the worst in me and Simon, it brings out the worst in you too. I'm not going to dredge back through the archives to prove a point. It isn't worth it and it would head downhill fast.

    We all have rights to express ourselves including moderators. That wasn't my point at all. The point is that I think this site would be better off without political discussions. I'll bet you agree with me on that. Oh and of course expressing ourselves feely means we have consequences to face. I know if I freely express myself in a manner you disapprove of then I'll get deleted. You know if you freely express yourself in a manner others disaprove of then a user might leave the site or post nasty comments directed towards you. It's just how life works.

    Again just to be redundent, I only say I think the site would be better off without politics if we want it to be a site such as Steve describes.

  • animal

    hey chev.... long time. I was in your area last week, might be workign there soon.

    Stacey.... I agree with ya, no politics needed here.

  • jst2laws

    Fearnotruth22, I hope you are still with this thread, sorry It took my until now to respond.

    "I am new at this site. I was not aware that you represented the policy of this board, and thought that you were only expressing your personal views as to its purpose"

    This is MY opinion and does not officially represent the policy. I did ask Simon if it would be acceptable to post my opinion in this regard and he told me to go ahead. Simon is working on a "Mission Statement" yet he trusted me enough to post my opinion. But this is not new, Simon has been saying this since I first came here but not yet in a Mission Statement. That will be coming soon.

    " individuals should be allowed to see evidence and arguments and also epress themselves freely and come to their own conclusions and not forced to line up with WT hatred or WT advocacy. Is (this?) not what this web is about?"

    I hope you are not expecting me to disagree with you. I do not. What you describe is the way I came here just two years ago, defending the WT. I expected to get "Farkelized" but even Farkel was patient with me as I began this journey. (IM me and I will explain this if you wish) Here is a link to my first post:


    "While love of God means many things to many peple and many times causes people to murder other peple for the love of God, only one law is binding upon all people, not love of God as this means many things, but only one law to love your fellow man as yourself. This is my opinion."

    While my screen name, Jst2laws, narrows everything down to Love God and Love your neighbor, I agree that the way many love God results in atrocities. So you may be right, loving our neighbor first may tell us something about the god we love if we look more closely at how we treat others. Thanks for you contributions, Steve

  • jst2laws


    I have two pages to catch up on but saw this just now,

    At least your a chick...

    Do these jeans make my ass look fat?

    Animal :)

    Now that is focussed on JW issues, isn't it. Only because you are a biker dude and you are funny I'm ignoring this.

    And to keep the thread positive I will reply, No, the jeans do not make your "ass look fat".

    Now you will worry all night that this did not come from a chick

    Tongue On The Floor


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