Watchtower June 2020 Article, '' Return to Me''

by RULES & REGULATIONS 32 Replies latest watchtower bible



    “Return to Me”

    6 Who can share in the search for inactive ones? All of us​—elders, pioneers, family members, and congregation publishers—​can help in locating them. Do you have a friend or a relative who has become inactive? Have you met an inactive one in your house-to-house ministry or while sharing in public witnessing? Explain to the person that if he would appreciate a visit, you would be happy to provide his contact information to the local elders.

    7. What do you learn from the comments of an elder named Thomas?

    7 What practical steps can elders in particular take to locate those who want to return to Jehovah? Note the comments of an elder named Thomas, * who lives in Spain. He has helped more than 40 Witnesses to return to the congregation. Thomas says: “First, I ask various brothers and sisters if they know where inactive individuals now live. Or I ask the publishers if they remember any who no longer attend meetings. Most in the congregation respond enthusiastically because they feel involved in the search. Later, when I visit inactive brothers or sisters, I ask about their children and other relatives. Some inactive ones used to bring their children to the meetings, and these children may have been publishers at one time. They too can be helped to return to Jehovah.”

    Exaggeration at its finest! Here we have super Elder Thomas ( who has some kind of ability to visit inactive individuals and magically have each one return to Jehovah).

    YES! You read that right! 40 inactive individuals returned to Jehovah. Most inactive never return to the congregation. And if they do return, it's because they don't want to lose association with family.

    Super Elder Thomas makes all Elders look like slackers when it comes time to locating inactive individuals and having them return. Maybe that is the article's point!

  • hoser

    Super Elder Thomas makes all Elders look like slackers when it comes time to locating inactive individuals and having them return. Maybe that is the article's point!

    Motivate by guilt and shame is how the watchtower corporation operates

  • Magnum

    Suppose Thomas really is a super elder who has some kind of ability to make people return (or want to return). What about all the poor inactive ones who live in areas where there is no super elder like Thomas? They are going to be destroyed at Armageddon because they happen to live in a zip code where there's no super elder. It's not fair or just and doesn't make sense.

    And consider the overall point of the article. It equates returning to Jehovah with returning to "the congregation". How arrogant.

    Why would anyone want to return? Because of the informative, interesting, mentally stimulating meetings? Because of the org's history of accurate interpretation of Bible prophecy and end of the world predictions? Because he or she wants to get back onto the hamster wheel of mind-numbing, dead-end busy work? Because he or she greatly admires the dignified, scholarly GB?


    16 Many experiences indicate that the angels are working alongside us to help us find inactive ones who yearn to return to Jehovah. (Rev. 14:6) For example, Silvio, from Ecuador, earnestly prayed for help to return to the congregation. While he was still praying, his doorbell rang. Two elders were at his door. During that visit, they were happy to begin providing him with the help he needed.


    Silvio must have been really lucky this day. He earnestly prayed at the right moment. While praying to Jehovah to help him return to the congregation, angels directed two Elders to ring his doorbell and provide him with help to make his comeback. These Elders were in the right place at the right time!

  • FedUpJW

    He has helped more than 40 Witnesses to return to the congregation.

    While lovingly ignoring the elderly already there witnesses, the poor witnesses, the less educated witnesses, the single witnesses, the younger witnesses without parental guidance, the sexually abused witnesses, the physically abused wives. . .

    And how many have left because of his treatment? Welcome some in the front door while kicking many more out the back door! Sorry S.O.B.'s!

  • sparky1

    The arrogance of Jehovah's Witnesses is only equaled by many other religions that propagate the same old 'slop' in regards to their inactive ones. A case in point being the Mormon religion. Same old bull$hit, just from another religious perspective: of-one-a-home...

    The title of the article is : The Worth of One: A Home Teachers Guide for Working with Inactive Members

  • jp1692

    I quit attending meetings seven years ago. Since that time I have only been contacted once by an elder to have a “shepherding” call. I politely declined but said I would appreciate if he would set up a meeting to help me reconcile with some JW family with whom I was alienated by the religion when I was DF’d six years before—I had been reinstated for two years at this point.

    He said he couldn’t do that because they weren’t in his congregation. (Both congregations are less than a 10 minute drive from my house.) I replied, “That’s funny because that’s what the elders in their congregation said to me—they couldn’t help because I’m not in their congregation!”

    So much for an “International Brotherhood”!

    That was five years ago.

  • eyeuse2badub

    I'm sure that some zealot will be calling at my door. My wife is still PIMI but I started doubting about 15-16 years ago and went "dark" about 12 years ago although I still attend conventions and some meetings with/for my wife of 54 years! I've had 2 official visits in 12 years and both times I was polite to the brothers, after-all, I've know them and been friends with them for decades. Both times they told me that they just don't understand how a 3rd gen born-in who had served as an elder for over 2 decades could just "quit"!

    If I get another "shepherding call" regarding bein inactive, I'll tell them the same story. "It's personal and it's private."

    just saying!

  • LongHairGal


    That is true about them figuratively ‘kicking some people out the back door’ while they are trying to get new people ‘in the front door’. I often wondered if they even realized what they were doing.

    I think there was an arrogant feeling back then!..There were people coming in and maybe they felt ‘who the hell needs you’?

    Even though I am a ‘Fader’ who walked away from the JW religion, you could say I was figuratively ‘kicked out’ by their bad attitudes towards single women and responsible working people. Also, let’s not forget their 1995 Generation teaching. That was the last straw.

    I doubt they are going to look for me because word may have filtered back about my views..They would correctly surmise that it would be a waste of their time.

  • Biahi

    If I “returned”, I’d have to first be disfellowshipped due to celebrating holidays, voting, etc. oh, and don’t forget the “premarital sex” I engaged in 31 years ago. Even thought I’m now married to the same guy. No thanks, I won’t return.

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