U.K. Nurse Vaccinated With Covid Shot Has Covid Weeks After Getting Vac!

by minimus 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • pistolpete

    The way the media paints the picture of how the virus is killing thousands upon thousands, vs how others are saying the virus has a 5% fatality rate on older and sickly ones, vs others that say the vaccine will have deadly side effects years from now, vs all the COVID deaths which include those that have died from other means and not COVID, makes the decision to take the vaccine a personal one.

    Yesterday I found out several of my neighbors and all their kids already got the COVID VIRUS and they didn't even know when they got it just like me. My neighbors are in their 40s and down.The regular flu has more symptoms than this virus.

    None of us are going to take the vaccine. Why should we? None of us trust what the media is telling us. What we do see is those that are dying are over 80 years old like Larry King, and they are already sickly taking tons of medications. This virus just speed-ed up the process for these individuals who were already on their way out.

  • perdurabo

    Pistol Pete said....

    "None of us trust what the media is telling us."

    Unfortunately.....there are ex-JW's who are still fooled by the narrative.....even ones who should fucking know better....for example....Cedars and his buddies who were all in...on his last days livestream.....fawning over how Australia have dealt with the crisis....or amazed that big pharma have got a vaccine out in record time....

    It shows me.....you can still get fooled again........and the one thing they all have in common is this.....


    Only when the steamroller is at their doors....will they realise....they got fooled again.

  • Justmemorph

    Or, and im just spitballing here, maybe the first ever RNA vaccinne, testing cut short by a decade, isnt actually effective at all. Maybe those who hbe taken it are beta testers and the proof of concept is coming back as failed.

    but what do i know...

  • peacefulpete

    The virus is SARS-CoV-2, the disease it often triggers is Covid19. Its like HIV and AIDS.

    The vaccines prepare the body for exposure to the virus to minimize the disease response and lowering the potential shedding of the virus to others. Getting vaccinated has little to no immediate effect. It takes weeks for the immune response to produce adequate antibodies to have protection from the disease response. Vaccines that require 2 stages stretch that time out to weeks longer.


  • Vidiot

    People sometimes get a mild case of an illness specifically from a vaccine shot.

    As I understand it, it can be part of the actual immunization process... you have to have a pathogen present in your bloodstream for your immune system to create antibodies to it, after all.

    It happened to me with my measles vaccination when I was a kid.

  • FFGhost

    Peaceful Pete,

    Hard science and facts are merely a distraction on threads like this.

    On discussion boards like this....but I digress....

  • minimus

    Funny though, you get your shots for measles, smallpox, mumps, diphtheria etc...and afterwards you don’t come down with a slight case of the measles, mumps and so forth.

  • Diogenesister

    Well she obviously hasn’t been paying attention because we absolutely were told by the Government quite clearly in the UK that in order to save lives and protect the NHS

    1. initially we will be given one shot.

    2. That it’s possible to catch COVID after only one shot


    3. research has shown one shot will protect you from more serious illness, hospitalisation and death

    The primary aim was to protect the NHS for the last few weeks. Stage 3 Data showed only one (Pfizer) patient was admitted to hospital with zero deaths following just one vaccination so an emergency policy change was made and, temporarily, initially only one shot will be given with the second a little later than anticipated. This works well with the Oxford AstraZeneca, since the second shot is given a little later than some of the others.

  • Diogenesister
    Did she get sick or did she test positive? If you have the vaccine, you can still test positive since the tests detect even inactive portions of the virus in your nasal tract and you will definitely test positive with a blood test since the blood test measures whether your immune cells can fight a sample of the virus.

    That’s correct Annonymous.

    They also want folks who’ve been vaccinated to continue to protect others with social distancing, hand washing etc until the stage 4 data comes in, since they’re not 100% sure you can’t pass on the virus once vaccinated. They believe you can’t but they need the stage 4 data to be sure.

  • pistolpete

    I'm hearing that several people are still getting the virus after vaccination. I wanted to post a video but it was pulled down. This is the problem, the news media and Tech is not allowing all the information dribble to the common man.

    The post I read said that for those people getting sick with the virus AFTER THEY GOT VACCINATED, the reason was that the virus has MUTATED and the vaccine doesn't cover the new variants.


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