It's only food!!

by caligirl 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • caligirl

    Yesterday, my JW stepson flew in for a visit. Two years ago, he was also here on Thanksgiving and despite being insanely hungry, refused to eat anything related to the dinner. I was hoping that things had changed, but yesterday was the same. He was very hungry, but wouldn't eat anything. My husband says I grew up in a country club congregation. We always had a big turkey dinner sometime over thanksgiving weekend - and a ferw times it was actually on Thanksgiving! After all, turkeys were on sale that time of year, and it is only food after all. I guess it was that my parents, despite still being active witnesses never made THAT big of a deal over it.

    I just feel so sad for him that the control is that great that he cannot even treat it as simply food because he is hungry, or eat everything but turkey. Yet, if we made a big formal dinner of Roast beef or a pork roast, it would probably be perfectly acceptable for him to eat. The mind control is so strong.

    I guess on some level I am frustrated for him and at the fact that it puts an unhappy sad note into a holiday that celebrates family and friends.

  • moonwillow

    It's prety sad when things have to be carried so far. Mind control is a very stong tool indeed! He will go hungry before eating.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    You make an interesting point. My mother used to do the same thing.

    While I was a JW she would have these big dinners - which was unusal for our family - on or near the holidays - usually the day after. On my birthday she would call in the morning and wish me happy birthday.

    But since I left she stopped calling and I know she wouldn't be caught dead making these dinners. It seems that as long as they could pretend NO ONE was celebrating it was OK. But of there is any hint that anyone is celebrating they have to dig they heels in and "take a stand"

    It is all so stupid

  • Sassy

    We used to have turkey dinners with lots of JWs on Thanksgiving, since everyone had the day off and turkeys were on sale. Never bothered us. I guess it was different to go to someone's house who is having it FOR Thanksgiving though. Although I used to go with my dad (an non JW) to relatives Thanksgiving dinners when I was younger as well.

  • AlanF

    : We used to have turkey dinners with lots of JWs on Thanksgiving

    We had ours with only one JW this year. You can only eat so many of them, you know.


  • ChimChim

    Thats what my dad does. He will either go out to stay with his mom(shes a JW too) or he will sit in the room and study and wait for everyone to finish eating. Same goes for my uncle he lives with my dad so that makes like 6 people including my step moms dad that comes almost every week and stays there for work... anyways but to the subject... Even though he is very hungry he wont take one step out of the room, but yet he will eat left overs... Like what is the sence of eating the left overs if you wont eat at the time that every one else eats at? I dont understand!


  • rocketman

    I am wondering why your stepson even bothers to visit. Seems to me all he is doing is making an issue, as you said, out of food, and making others feel uncomfortable in the process.

  • shotgun

    I think it's sac-religous to call Turkey dinner only food, it's divine.

    I've never had a Turkey dinner in which I did not make a pig of myself * hangs head in shame undoing belt at the same time*

  • Gadget

    I remember Christmas 2001. We were meant to be stopping at a friends in North Yorkshire for the holiday. We went out for a few beers on the Christmas eve, ended up in a huge fight/riot, went to the midnight mass because it was the only warm place for us to stand eating out pizza/kebab, ended up in another huge fight, then a car crash, then ended up the lot of us having to drive 100 mile back home because of all the trouble. I woke up the next morning in my friends house, with a huge hangover but the most wonderful smells drifting through from the kitchen. His dad cooked us all breakfast and sent us out with the dogs for a few hours, and had a huge christmas dinner ready for us when we got back. It wasn't just a turkey dinner, there was all the trimmings, everything. It was great, and more than made up for all the trouble we had the night before. And all the people I was out with, with all the bother, and the christmas dinner were all jw's........

  • Valis

    I invited my parents to no avail, although my brother did come over for some good food and a good time.


    District Overbeer

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