Italy goes after Protestant religions re taxes due

by blondie 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    The evangelical church in Rome will move to Strasbourg to seek justice from the European Court on Human Rights (ECtHR) to eliminate the huge tax burden. In the meantime, Protestants all over the world are amazed by what is happening in Italy.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    And her we'll see the Borg in a mad scramble here to avoid legal entanglements.

    Of course only to cover their financial assets or legal problems.

  • FragrantAddendum

    you know a religious group is a fake if it signs up for corporate status to get out of paying taxes

    "pay caesar's things to caesar"

    "if he asks a mile, go two"

    "that he does not stumble...give him the coin for you and me"

    the entire idea of clergy or corporate group of "religious" people getting tax break makes them immediately suspect and in breach of 2 thessalonians chapter 3

    "if he does not work, neither let him eat"

    all those religious institutions are "apostate" according to bible standards as soon as they start filing for tax-exemption

  • peacefulpete
    The desire was to have a configuration that could be adjusted if necessary and be used in a multifunctional way.

    I'm thinking we haven't gotten the whole story. There are thousands of protestant churches that do not have the Catholic accoutrement in Italy and get tax exemption. It smells like a group wanted their cake and eat it too. Use a space as a meeting for religion and other purposes.

  • Vidiot

    Beth Sarim - “…we'll see the Borg in a mad scramble here to avoid legal entanglements…”

    Could they register as a “friend of the court” in Italy? 😏

    Fragrant - “…you know a religious group is a fake if it signs up for corporate status to get out of paying taxes...”

    Nicely put.

    peacefulpete - “…it smells like a group wanted their cake and eat it too. Use a space as a meeting for religion and other purposes.”

    Wouldn’t bet against that theory.

  • Phizzy

    Thanks for Posting Blondie !

    This last paragraph is interesting, but simply stating the obvious, in the European Court the Case could go either way..

    " It is still quite unpredictable what the effect of bringing the case to Strasbourg will be; a few things are certain. First, it can take years before the final decision is made. Second, it is very difficult to predict the outcome. The court is very reluctant regarding cases about religion. Since the relationship between church and state is different in all 47 member states, the court tends to uphold decisions by national courts."

  • markweatherill

    So basically, Italy is NOT 'going after protestant religions'.

    One little church might be trying to get a tax exemption they aren't entitled to, and is being denied.

    Protestants around the world might, or might not, be 'amazed' at some aspect of this, for sure.

  • nicolaou
    FragrantAddendum: you know a religious group is a fake if it signs up for corporate status to get out of paying taxes

    All religious groups are fake, every last one of them. No matter how sincere or harmless, not one religious group favours truth over dogma.

    From the home Bible study groups to Catholicism, religion is fake.

    Don't flatter yourself just because you can easily spot fakery in the cult you've just left. Take the rafter out of your own eye first.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Vidiott.. Could the Borg register as a "friend of the court in Italy?"

    We should never put that past them. The Borg will do what it can for its bottom line.

  • FragrantAddendum
    Take the rafter out of your own eye first.

    that is always good advice, @nicolaou

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