Lets start a "Go Fund Me" for those special pioneers being kicked to the curb by the GB,.

by notjustyet 30 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • stuckinarut2

    good point BennyK!

    They will indeed draw a comparison to the isrealites stripping the egyptians. ('god provided')

  • Angharad
    You mean so they can just turn around and donate some or all of it to the mothership?
  • SafeAtHome

    Research and make a list all the local organizations that help the poor with food pantries, clothing handouts, etc. No surprise to see these are mostly churches. Several churches in my neighborhood have regular monthly free meals where anyone is welcome. Then add to the list the addresses of the local Goodwill Stores and Salvation Army retail outlets. Hand them the list and say "Here, you might be needing this".

  • CookieMonster
    I dont think any ex-bethelites would draw anything from this fund for fear of repercussions. But as a publicity stunt its an excellent idea. Once the fund has been accumulated, the cheque should be taken in person to WT. It will be refused of course, then it should be turned over to a homeless charity. All recorded and documented on Youtube, LOL
  • Sofia Lose
    Sofia Lose

    No. Serves them right for trusting blindly this man-made org.

    This action will be good for our cause; now there will be more opposition and skepticism against this org.


  • HowieTran
    How about a fund to help people who wake up and want to actually do something positive with their lives? Could even be specialized, perhaps college age exJW kids who have zero family support & are actively shunned?

    Not just Jehovah's Witnesses removed from a privileged position (e.g. Bethelites, SP, etc) within the cult who will simply be transitioning into another cult position in the real world as rank & file JWs. The fund you describe sounds like an ineffectual waste of folks hard earned funds, unless the people who are recipients are actually choosing to leave.
  • Vidiot

    I just realized the WTS pulled a Dick Cheney...

    ..."go fund yourself!" :smirk:

  • StarTrekAngel
    It could be a good idea if it wasn't by the almost inevitable fact that some pioneers will pull the theocratic warfare card. They will come smiling and thanking you for the money. They will turn around, give it to the WT and show that Jehovah can make apostate plans backfire and use the spoils of apostate devilish attempts and turn them into good works thru his organization.
  • ShirleyW
    notjustyet - Are you serious? Apostates donating money to SPECIAL pioneers? You know the way regular pubs at the trolleys will act if they found out you're just Df'd but you wanto to donate money to special pioneers, tell h ow you figured this out.
  • notjustyet

    I Don't WANT to donate money to the special pioneer but the upside is just to great to pass up.

    Yea they may get 1000 dollars or whatever it is, but the publicity, if it is done right, could equate to so much more of a value to the EXJW cause.

    No one wants to get a shot at a Doctors office, but the benefit sometimes outweighs the pain.


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