Are there 'ultra strict' congregations?

by jambon1 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • exjwlemming

    I once knew an elder that thought that he walked on water. He was the self appointed JW Gestapo, always looking down his nose at others and in everyone's business. It had come to his attention, that a group of "friends," brothers and sisters, would get together on Friday night. There were anywhere between 10-15 people. They would eat snacks, popcorn, watch a movie, or play some music, make cookies, and socialize. Some of those in attendence would play cards...even play poker with poker chips. They was no money involved, but he figured that it was akin to gambling....and wrong in his eyes as Joke-hova's agent. Well, he decided to crash the event. He entered the house and raised "holy hell." He was pretty close to overturning the table like Jesus did to the money changers at the temple. He gave everyone a dressing down, checked the content of the movie being watched, counsoled them on gambling, and told them that they should be preparing for field service instead of partying. Needless to say, 2 men had stepped down from being misery servants and others lost "privileges." The fraternization was disbanded and he gave a local needs part several weeks later. He was really full of himself.

  • LongHairGal


    I'm sure attitudes like this overbearing brother helped people to leave the religion.

    I'm sure he's the one who needed the dressing down!

    After what happened with the so-called apostasy in the early '80s, the religion became paranoid to the point of craziness in banning all kinds of get togethers. The problem is that some people in the religion had little to no association of any sort. I was one such person. Because of being a working person and single woman I was hardly invited.

    The religion doesn't realize that all these attitudes just made it all the easier for me to do my "fade" when the time was right.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    The JW's prohibition on beards is enforced just as rigidly in those countries where it is commonplace to see bearded men about in the community.

    One such example is Papua New Guinea, where many - perhaps even most - men wear beards. They are certainly common in public life; most of the countries top business and professional men wear full beards, as have a number of their recent prime ministers.

    It makes no difference to the JWs, though. When a man comes "Into The Truth", then off comes the beard!

    If ever there was a purely man-made rule, this would have to be it.

  • UnshackleTheChains
    Also, they had a white shirt in the cloak room for any visiting elders who showed up to give a public talk wearing a coloured shirt.

    Wow Jambon. Sounds like some of the elders in your hall walked about like this dude

  • pale.emperor
    There's a "white shirt" congregation here in Liverpool. The elder who makes visiting speakers change into the shirt is a grade A dick. I've never seen him smile or laugh.
  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    It is extremely uncommon in this district to see any man wearing a suit.

    The town's mayor turned up yesterday morning at our place of work, to thank everybody for their efforts in restoring power supplies after the two recent natural disasters. He readily volunteered that the only reason he was wearing a suit was because he was on his way to the airport, to welcome a group of visiting dignatories.

    A bible-thumper strutting around in a suit stands out like a flashing light in this district. During the humid heat of a Bay of Plenty summer, people would actually regard that as madness. Furthermore, they would not be too far wrong, either!

  • rebel8

    Just when you think such an obscure rule didn't exist, blondie posts a published article about it!

  • TheWonderofYou

    Give them freedom and they start wearing uniforms, shirts and skirts. Today morning I drove by an adventist church in the town, there they also these business suits.

    Each strict business has a strict dress code!

    Since I have left JW I have never put on a suit ever with joy. They are overdone and look much better at women.

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    In my hall they also ban beards and require jackets. I was given council twice, once about a soul patch (to which i replied 'show me the scripture and I'll see what I can do'), and once about the need for a two piece suit when on stage (to which I replied 'I don't have one'). Neither was pursued and I didn't lose 'privileges'. The beard was another story though, absolutely not.

  • ttdtt

    jambon1 - Did you grow up in Northern NJ?

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