Does Anyone Know The "Real" Attitude That JWs Have Towards "Inactive Ones"?

by minimus 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    Very definitely as a lower form of life!

  • Landy

    Well, despite not going for twenty years I still class a fair few witnesses as my friends. We recently had a significant wedding anniversary and we had a party and invited a fair few of our old witness friends, some of whom we hadn't seen for 15 years. They all turned up and it was fine. It was nice to catch up.

  • Darkknight757

    We are treated like lepers, even by our own family. Its ridiculous but then again, who needs those kinds of people in life?

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    Last year, I was able to spend a pleasant afternoon with an old friend, who is now an elder in one of the local congregations. However, we have heard no more from he and his wife - probably as they have learned of my "official status" amongst the JWs!

  • Landy
    However, we have heard no more from he and his wife - probably as they have learned of my "official status" amongst the JWs!

    Perhaps. But perhaps life gets in the way as it often does. In the same way they haven't contacted you, it sounds as though you haven't contact ed them.

  • ttdtt

    Yes we are ignored and viewed like we have the plague by the vast majority.

    They might catch our cooties if they get to close.

  • stuckinarut2

    Um, remember the way that the "return to Jehovah" brochure presents those who are not active?

    The ONLY acceptable reason for not attending is the ones they list!

    HOWEVER in real life, any who stop attending are spoken off in less that glowing terms!

    I can tell you of an Elders and MS meeting in which "weak" ones were mentioned (during those rare times when the elder body decided to do some shepherding!)

    The level of contempt for some people mentioned made me object firmly to the rest of the body. I said "If this is the way we are speaking of people who are our Brothers and Sisters, AND we don't know their circumstances, then why bother trying to shepherd them? It seems like we have already judged them!"

    I wasn't too popular that night.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill
    In the same way they haven't contacted you, it sounds as though you haven't contact ed them.

    That is quite correct - as far as it goes.

    However, at the conclusion of our last meeting, this person voluntarily left further such meetings firmly in his "ball court", as the saying goes. His - not mine.

  • stillin

    One of the elders referred to inactive ones as "just taking up space" at the Kingdom Hall during his part at the Service Meeting this week. I looked around me at completely empty ROWS of seats.

  • blondie

    Makes you remember how the Jewish religious l thens of the early first century referred to poorer members of their religion.

    I have found since I have been out 17 years and examined other religions by attending and doing some interviews that it is pretty much the same in their churches behind the scenes, they present a good front but the reality is full of judgment....even the bible shows that the early Christians had the same problems.

    Many places I worked had a culture of judging and self-elevation...but then they don't claim to be the only true religion and you can get another job without being shunned from their organization (mostly anyway)

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